P. 141

Operating System Tools

                    Notes          z z  fg: On using this commad, a process running in the background  will be processed in the
                                       $ fg % 2
                                       cat  *.cpp  > mytext
                                   z z  kill: This command cancels a job running in the background. It takes argument either the
                                       user job number or the system process number.

                                       [1]   +  Running    cp  *.c  > mytext
                                       [2]  - Running    cp  *.dat >>mytext
                                       $kill %2
                                   z z  bg: This command places a suspended job in the background.

                                       $ cat *.cpp > mytext

                                     Caution Ctrl + Z  will suspend the process running at the moment.

                                   z z  ps: This command reports a snapshot of the current processes.
                                   z z  top: This command is used  to display Linux tasks.
                                   z z  at: This command executes commands at a specified time.
                                       $ at  8:00
                                       at >  echo “HI” > /dev/tty1
                                       In order to return to the command line, press ‘ctrl + d’ . This will display the message in
                                       tty1 at 8′o clock.

                                   z z  To view the schedule: $ atq
                                   z z  To cancel a job: $atrm 5   [job ID]
                                   z z  crontab: crontab  is a file containing the schedule of  entries to run at  specified times.
                                   z z  shutdown: This command is used to bring the system down.

                                       ™ z  -r:    This option requests  that  the system be rebooted after it has been brought down.
                                       ™ z  -c:   This option  is used to cancels a running shutdown.

                                      Task  Compare and contrast system process number and user job number.

                                   8.1.8 Other Commands

                                   Some other commands are defined as below:
                                   z z  whoami: This command displays the login name of the current effective user.

                                   z z  logname: This command is used to print user´s login name.

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