P. 105

Software Testing and Quality Assurance

                          The following tasks are performed during this step.
                               (a)  Identify what the system does and how it accesses the various subsystems.
                                             In an employee database management system, the employee views various
                                             subsystems such as financial data, personal data,  and  project data. The
                                             managers view employee details, employee log in times, and so on.

                               (b)  Create an architecture diagram of the  system. The architecture diagram includes
                                    subsystems, boundaries of operation, data flow channels, and so on.
                                             The network architecture overview comprises various  computers  that are
                                             connected to the local  server and  access the data from the protected system.
                                             Figure 7.7 illustrates an architecture overview of a client server network system.
                                             It shows the channels used  to communicate between various systems and

                                                    Figure 7.7: Client Server Network Architecture

                               (c)   Identify the technologies associated with the system as these are the technologies that are
                                    used to implement the system.
                          Decompose the Application

                          Decomposing the application refers to understanding the platform on which the system operates and
                          designing appropriate standards.
                                             In a network system, the tester identifies the network and host infrastructure
                          This helps them to create a  security profile for the application. This profile  is used to detect the
                          vulnerabilities in the various area of the system such as design, implementation, and configuration.
                          Identify the Threats
                          The tester should think and act like a hacker and find the vulnerabilities in the system. The tester should
                          have the knowledge of the entire system architecture and potential vulnerabilities of the system. This
                          enables him/her to identify the threats that could affect the system.

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