P. 101
Software Testing and Quality Assurance
Microsoft Word has a large collection of clip art images by default, which can be
used in the word document. These clip art images are readily available to the
users in Microsoft Office Suite.
Error Messages
Information about the error messages are important part of any software documentation. The software
displays the error messages when it encounters unusual or exceptional events. These events can be
triggered while using the software or hardware incorrectly or due to software related problems. The
users must be able to understand the error message to know the actual problem that the system has
encountered. This enables them to take necessary action to resolve the error quickly.
You might have observed a Printer Error message on your Windows operating
system while trying to print. This may be due to various reasons like the printer
might not be connected to the CPU, the cable might not be properly plugged in
on either sides or printer might not be switched on, and so on. Your operating
system will display the Printer Error message as shown in figure 7.5.
Figure 7.5: Printer Error Message
7.1.2 Importance of Documentation Testing
Documentation testing is an important activity which enhances the quality of the various elements of
software application. It is a well-known fact that documentation is very essential at all stages of any
software development process. The documentation that is provided to the end users provides
information about the product and also acts as a marketing tool for product promotion. Any error in
this documentation will not only impact the product sales but also the reputation of the organization.
Let us assume that a typical software product released to the market by an
organization can run with a minimum of 256 Mega Bytes (MB) of Random
Access Memory (RAM). However, in the installation manual of the software
product, if it is mentioned that the minimum RAM required for the software to
run is 512 MB, then it is a serious mistake in the documentation. This mistake is
considered as an error, which the software tester must rectify and make
necessary correction.