Page 205 - DCAP504_Computer Graphics
P. 205
Computer Graphics
The following figure 13.7 provides a clear idea about the way in which a cube is unwrapped using the
Least Squares Conformal Maps.
Figure 13.7: Unwrapping - Least Squares
Conformal Map (LSCM)
The Least Squares Conformal Map (LCSM) is an Ultra violet tool used to unwrap the arbitrary surfaces.
It follows a method where the local angles are preserved similar to any other UV unwrapping mode.
The select faces in the UV face select mode are wrapped.
To calculate the panel of LCSM:
1. Press the U key and then choose the LSCM, or the LSCM Unwrap from the UV calculation panel.
2. Cut the surfaces to unwrap.
3. Name the cut edges as seams.
4. The edges are marked or cleared as seams in the edit mode by the following options (Mesh ->
Edges -> Mark Seam (Ctrl E).