Page 212 - DCAP403_Operating System
P. 212
Unit 11: System Security
Mas- Network Accessing a Masquerading Placing false Limit user Correlate Change user Notes
querade computer by user often em- or modified access to user identi- password or
pretending to ploys network login prompts network or fication with use standard
have an au- or administra- on a computer administra- shift times administra-
thorized user tor command is a common tor com- or increased tor functions
identity functions to way to obtain mand func- frequency of to determine
access even user IDs, as tions access access point,
more of the are Snooping, Implement Correlate user then trace back
system, e.g., Scanning and to perpetrator
by attempting Scavenging multiple command
logs with
levels of
to download administra- administra-
password, tors, with tor command
routing tables
different functions
for each
Scan- Sequen- Transport Sequentially Multiple users Since most Enforce or- Correlate user Change entire
ning tial Scan- Network testing pass- attempting login prompts ganizational identification password file
ning words/authen- network or have a time password with shift or use baiting
tication codes administra- delay built in to policies. times tactics to trace
until one is tor command foil automated Make even Correlate user back to perpe-
successful functions, indi- scanning, ac- system problem re- trator
cating multiple cessing the administra- ports relevant
Masquerades encoded pass-
tor access to to possible
word table and
testing it off- password Masquerades
files cumber-
line is a com- some
mon technique
Diction- Applica- Scanning Multiple users Use of com- Enforce or- Correlate user Change entire
ary Scan- tion through a attempting mon words ganizational identification password file
ning dictionary of network or and names as password with shift or use baiting
commonly used administra- passwords or policies times tactics to trace
passwords/ tor command authentication Correlate user back to perpe-
authentication functions, codes (so called trator
codes until one “Joe Accounts”) problem re-
is successful indicating ports relevant
to possible
multiple Mas- Masquerades
Snoop- Digital Network Electronic mon- Users or even Example of Employ data Correlate user Change
ing Snoop- itoring of digi- system ad- how COMSEC encryption identification encryption
(Eaves- ing tal networks ministrators affects COM- Limit physi- with shift schemes or
drop- to uncover found online at PUSEC cal access times employ net-
ping) passwords or unusual or off- Links can be to network Correlate work monitor-
other data shift hours ing tools to
more vulnera- nodes and user problem attempt trace
Changes in ble to snooping links reports. Moni- back to perpe-
behavior of than nodes tor network trator
network trans- performance
port layer
Shoul- Physical Direct visual Authorized “Sticky” notes Limit physi- Correlate Change user
der observation of user found on- used to record cal access to user identi- password or
Surfing monitor dis- line at unusual account and computer fication with use standard
plays to obtain or off-shift password areas shift times administra-
access hours, indicat- information or increased tor functions
ing a possible Require frequency of to determine
Masquerade Password entry frequent access access point,
screens that do password
Authorized not mask typed changes by Correlate user then trace back
to perpetrator
user attempt- text users command
ing administra- logs with
“Loitering” op-
tor command administra-
functions portunities tor command
Scaveng- Dump- All Accessing Multiple users “Sticky” notes Destroy Correlate user Change entire
ing ster discarded attempting used to record discarded identification password file
Diving trash to obtain network or account and hardcopy with shift or use baiting
passwords and administra- password times tactics to trace
other data tor command information Correlate user back to perpe-
functions, indi- System ad- problem re- trator
cating multiple
Masquerades ministrator ports relevant
printouts of to possible
user logs Masquerades