Page 213 - DCAP403_Operating System
P. 213

Operating System

                    Notes                Brows-  Applica-  Usually auto-  Authorized   “Finger” type   Destroy   Correlate   Change user
                                         ing   tion   mated scan-  user found on- services pro-  discarded   user identi-  password or
                                                      ning of large   line at unusual  vide informa-  media   fi cation with   use standard
                                               Network  quantities of   or off-shift   tion to any and   shift times   administra-
                                                      unprotected   hours, indicat-  all users.   When on   or increased   tor functions
                                                                                    open source
                                                      data (discarded  ing a possible   The informa-  networks   frequency of   to determine
                                                      media or online  Masquerade   tion is usually   especially,   access   access point,
                                                      “fi nger” type                                   then trace back
                                                      commands) to   Authorized   assumed safe   disable   Correlate user   to perpetrator
                                                                user attempt-
                                                                                    “fi nger” type  command
                                                                          but can give
                                                      obtain clues   ing administra- clues to pass-  services  logs with
                                                      as to how to   tor command   words (e.g.,   administra-
                                                      achieve access
                                                                functions  spouse’s name)   tor command
                                   Spam-  Spam-  Applica-  Overloading   Repeated   Open source   Require   Monitor disk   Analyze mes-
                                   ming  ming  tion   a system with   system crashes,  networks espe- authentica-  partitions,   sage headers to
                                                      incoming mes-  eventually   cially vulner-  tion fi elds   network sock- attempt trace
                                                      sage or other   traced to over-  able  in message   ets, etc. for   back to perpe-
                                                      traffic to cause   full buffer or   traffi c  overfull condi- trator

                                                      system crashes  swap space            tions
                                   Tunnel-  Tunnel- Network  Any digital   Bizarre system  Tunneling   Design   Changes in   Patch or re-
                                   ing   ing          attack that   behaviors such  attacks often   security   date/time   place compro-
                                                      attempts to get  as unexpected  occur by creat-  and audit   stamps for low  mised drivers
                                                      “under” a secu- disk accesses,   ing system   capabilities   level system   to prevent
                                                      rity system by   unexplained   emergencies to  into even the  fi les or chang-  access
                                                      accessing very   device failures,  cause system   lowest level  es in sector/  Monitor sus-
                                                      low level sys-  halted security  reloading or   software,   block counts   pected access
                                                      tem functions   software, etc.  initialization  such as   for device
                                                      (e.g., device                 device driv-  drivers  points to at-
                                                                                                      tempt trace
                                                      drivers, OS                   ers, shared       back to perpe-
                                                      kernels)                      libraries, etc.
                                                                 Unintentional Threats
                                   Category  Threat  OSI   Defi nition  Typical Behav- Vulnerabilities Prevention Detection  Counter-
                                                   Layer              iors                              measures
                                   Malfunc- Equipment  All  Hardware   Immediate loss  Vital peripheral  Replication  Hardware  On-site
                                   tion   Malfunc-       operates in   of data due   equipment is   of entire   diagnostic  replication
                                          tion           abnormal,   to abnormal   often more   system   systems  of hard-
                                                         unintended   shutdown Con- vulnerable than  including   ware com-
                                                         mode     tinuing loss of   the computers   all data   ponents
                                                                  capability until  themselves  and recent   for quick
                                                                  equipment is         transac-        recovery
                                                                  repaired             tions
                                          Software   Appli-  Software   Immediate loss  Software devel- Compre-  Software   Backup
                                          Malfunc-  cation  behavior is in  of data due   oped using ad   hensive   diagnostic  software
                                          tion           confl ict with  to abnormal   hoc rather than  testing   tools  and robust
                                                         intended   end Repeated   defi ned formal  proce-  operating
                                                         behavior  system failure   processes  dures and   systems
                                                                  when re-fed          software        facilitate
                                                                  “faulty” data        designed        quick re-
                                                                                       for graceful    covery
                                   Human   Trap Door  Appli-  System   Unauthorized   Software devel- Enforce   Audit   Close Trap
                                   Error          cation  access for   system access   oped outside   defi ned de- trails of   Door or
                                          (Back door)
                                                         developers   enables view-  defi ned organi- velopment  system   monitor
                                                         inadvertently  ing, alteration   zational policies  policies   usage,   ongoing
                                                         left avail-  or destruction   and formal   Limit net-  especially  access to
                                                         able after   of data or soft-  methods  work and   user iden- trace back
                                                         software   ware               physical   tifi cation   to perpetra-
                                                         delivery                               logs   tor
                                          User/   All    Inadvertent   Incorrect data   Poor user docu- Enforce-  Audit   Backup
                                          Operator       alteration,   entered into   mentation or   ment of   trails of   copies of
                                          Error          manipula-  system or in-  training  training   system   software
                                                         tion or   correct behav-      policies   transac-  and data
                                                         destruction   ior of system   and sepa-  tions  On-site
                                                         of programs,                  ration of       replication
                                                         data fi les or                 program-        of hard-
                                                         hardware                      mer/opera-      ware
                                                                                       tor duties

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