P. 10

Unit 1: Introduction to Financial Management

          This is so because at this price, the investors have an earning of 20%, something they expect from  Notes
          a company with this degree of risk.
          The important issues relating to maximizing share prices are Economic Value Added (EVA) and
          the focus on stakeholders.

             Notes  Economic Value Added (EVA) is a popular measure used by many firms to determine
             whether an investment – proposed or  existing –  contribute positively  to the  owner's
             wealth. EVA is calculated by subtracting, the cost of funds used to finance or investment
             from its after-tax-operations profits. Investments with positive EVA increase shareholder
             value as those with negative EVA reduce shareholders value.

                 Example: The EVA of an investment with after tax operations profits of   510,000 and
          associated financing costs of   475,000 would be   35,000 (i.e.   410,000 – 375,000). Because this
          EVA  is positive,  the investment is expected  to increase  owner's  wealth and  is, therefore,

          What about Stakeholders?

          Stakeholders are groups such as employees, customers, suppliers, creditors, owners and others
          who have a direct economic link to the firm. A firm with a stakeholder focus, consciously avoids
          actions that would prove detrimental to stakeholders. The goal is not to maximize stakeholder
          well being but to preserve it. It is expected to provide  long-run benefit to shareholders  by
          maintaining positive stakeholder relationships. Such relationship should minimize stakeholder
          turnover, conflicts and  litigation. Clearly, the firm can better achieve its goal of  shareholder
          wealth maximization by maintaining cooperation with other stakeholders rather than having
          conflict with them.

             Did u know?   Besides the above basic objectives, the following are the other objectives of
             financial management:
             1.  Building up reserves for growth and expansion.

             2.  Ensuring maximum operational efficiency by efficient and  effective utilization of
             3.  Ensuring financial discipline in the management.

          Role of Ethics

          Ethics is standards of conduct or moral judgment. Today, the business community in general
          and the financial community in particular are developing and enforcing ethical standards, purpose
          being to motivate business and market participants to adhere to both the letter and the spirit of
          laws and regulations concerned with business and professional practice. An effective  ethics
          programme is believed to enhance corporate value. An ethics programme can reduce potential
          litigation and judgment costs, maintain a positive corporate image, and build shareholders'
          confidence, and gain the loyalty, commitment and respect of the firms stakeholders. Such actions,
          by maintaining and enhancing cash flow and reducing perceived risk, can positively affect the
          firm's share prices. Ethical behaviour is, therefore, viewed as necessary for achieving the firm's
          goal of owner wealth maximization.

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