P. 110

Unit 4: Marketing and Promotion of the Event

             Risk Management
             The goals of risk management in events like everywhere include the protection of assets,
             to minimize legal and financial liabilities, to control potential loss, properly manage
             growth, and to operate responsibility. Risk management recognized in varying degrees
             as a key component of the responsibilities associated with the planning and producing
             events. It is often perceived as a function that is carried out once an event has been conceived,
             designed, and organized. RM should be thoroughly embedded in the event design and
             throughout its development and production process to ensure the risks associated with
             the event are managed effectively and cost efficiently (Silvers, 2008).
             The purpose of this study is to analyze a special event based on event marketing and event
             management perspectives as a case study. The purpose is divided into two research
             What were the applications of All Star Basketball Event based on event marketing and
             event management approaches? How these applications were implemented in the event.
             TKBL All Star 2011 sport event is selected case study under investigation for the purpose
             of this research.
             In this study, the research method adopted was the case study because this type of approach
             is useful to investigate contemporary phenomena within a real life context, especially
             when the boundaries between the phenomenon and the context are not clearly evident
             (Silvestre and Dalcol, 2010; Yin, 2003). Research by case study is more suited to how and
             why questions which can be explanatory in nature. Case research allows the researcher
             the opportunity to tease out and disentangle a complex set of factors and relationships,
             albeit in one or a small number of instances (Easton, 2010). Yin (1989, p. 23) defines a case
             study as ''an empirical inquiry that investigates a contemporary phenomenon within its
             real-life context when the boundaries between phenomenon and context are not clearly
             evident and in which multiple sources of evidence are used'' (Halinen and Törnroos,
             2005). Silvestre and Dalcol (as cited in Siggelkow, 2007) state that a case method can
             sharpen existing theory by identifying gaps and fill them in, and also provide theoretical
             contributions when employed as illustrations. According to Cutler (2004) research based
             cases are used to investigate activities or complex processes that are not easily separated
             from the social context within which they occur. To select a sample to this study, researchers
             have chosen to use judgemental sample which is a non-probably sampling method that
             allows us to select the case that seems most suitable to answer our research questions
             (Maki and Sjöstrand, 2007; Saunders, 2007). Based on this method, a special sport event in
             Turkey, All Stars, was chosen as a case. Case research can employ many data collection
             methods, either quantitative or qualitative, depending on the variables being studied
             (Cutler, 2004). While some researchers have used only one method, others have used
             multiple methods for the purpose of "triangulation" of data from different sources (Barratt,
             Choi and Li, 2010). Voss, Tsikriktsis and Frohlich (2002) pointed out that employing
             multiple data sources elicits increased reliability of data and stronger substantiation of
             constructs and propositions (Barrat, Choi and Li, 2010). Data in the study was collected
             from primary as well as secondary data sources. The main data collection techniques
             employed was personal semi-structured interviewing, and observations. The researchers
             carried out five group interviews, with key informants in the special sport event. The
             interviews were held with event director of Turkish Basketball Federation, director of
             School of Physical Education and Sports, School Secretary, managers of public relations
             department of Anadolu University, manager of a special security firm, and spectators.


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