P. 182
Unit 7: Planning for Events and Event Proposal
birthday party is love or something intimate then you need to have entertaining activities Notes
which involves different couples.
4. Number of guests to be invited: Prepare the lists of guest you want to invite to your
birthday party so that no one is left out. If you want to conclude party with limited
number of people then your list should include the names close to your heart. Again here
the budget factor plays important role, you can invite people according to your budget.
Go through the list twice in order to rectify errors if any.
5. Party venue: Party venue should be lively and the ambiance should make people to stay
in party for long time. Decoration plays very important role here as bad decoration can
even make good venue look ugly. Many time keeping things simple in birthday party can
also work out in your favor. Your party venue should be convenient in terms of travelling
for invitees.
Self Assessment
State whether the following statements are true or false:
11. Corporate events should always be light yet appealing. Concentrate on the motive of
even and accordingly set your plan.
12. The event should be more of informative that does not mean you would ignore the
entertainment stuff.
13. Budget is the most important factor involved in conference planning as going over budget
can minimize your profit level.
14. The budget prepared by you on paper is your estimation which is many times different as
compared to real expenses.
15. Always rely on estimated budget because requirements of speakers can force you to
spend more.
Case Study Event Planning Services Provider, Focusing on the
National Pharmaceutical Industry
Communication Supply Chain Elements
Digital asset management, dynamic on-demand documents publishing, revision
management and multiple delivery channels.
Through the normal course of our Client’s business, they create and deliver event
invitations and other types of customized communications to national pharmaceutical
field representatives in an effort to promote their customer’s products to doctors and
other medical personnel for new drugs and new drug therapies. Our Client creates and
delivers tens of thousands of customized products in support of these pharmaceutical
industry events each year.
They must also quickly source and secure qualified speakers. A key to this process is
creation, delivery and management of on-the-fly, personalized speaker contracts.