P. 64

Unit 2: Concept and Design of Events

               When attempting to satisfy the needs of guests, remember that the five senses are most  Notes
               powerful tools.

               Like five winning cards in the event manager’s hand, combining the five senses—tactile,
               smell, taste, visual, and auditory—to satiate the needs of guests is the primary consideration
               when designing the event environment.

               The olfactory system creates instant emotional and creative reactions within your guests.

               The reception area may create the first impression, but the main function area will
               determine the effectiveness of the overall design.
               Today’s guests want to be more than just spectators at a special event.

          2.10 Keywords

          Event coordinator: The event coordinator will need to be well organized, a good leader with
          great communication skills and able to generate enthusiasm.

          Event committee: The event committee may consist of other members of your organisation,
          members of other organisation if it is a joint event, volunteers and other interested parties.
          Size of the committee:  The size of the committee is dependent on the size and complexity of the
          Planning stage : It is in the planning stage that you need to start taking notice of the barriers that
          will stop your event from looking the way that you want it to.
          Performers: Performers mean those in the limelight, whether this involves providing an
          educational talk, dancing in a parade, presenting an award.
          Theme party: The theme party or theme event originated from the masquerade, where guests
          would dress in elaborate costumes to hide their identity.

          Olfactory system: The olfactory system creates instant emotional and creative reactions within
          your guests.

          Reception: The reception area may create the first impression, but the main function area will
          determine the effectiveness of the overall design.

          2.11 Review Questions

          1.   What is meant by event design?

          2.   What is the need of event design?
          3.   What are themed events?
          4.   Discuss the trends in themed events.

          5.   How will you design an event environment?
          6.   What are the key elements of event environment?
          7.   Discuss bells and whistles’ amenities.

          8.   What are innovative sites?
          9.   What is meant by performance?

          10.  How will you identify the needs of your guest?

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