P. 93

Event Management

                    Notes          main stage above the head of the performing artist, you must first confirm with the artist that
                                   this is acceptable.

                                     Notes  It is unacceptable to renege later on your commitment to the sponsor. It is always
                                     best to under promise and over deliver when stating the benefits of sponsorship. Exceeding
                                     the sponsor’s expectations is how you turn a one-year sponsorship into a five-year plan
                                     with options to renew forever. Every sponsor has a hidden agenda. It can be as simple as
                                     the chairman of the board wanting to meet his or her favorite celebrity or as complex as
                                     the sales manager’s bonus and promotion decision resting on this particular sponsorship
                                     activity. Ask the sponsor’s representative what else you need to know about the needs of
                                     his or her organization as you design the sponsorship measurement system. For example,
                                     if the sponsor’s representative is in the public relations department, his or her interest
                                     may be in seeing lots of ink and television time devoted to the name of the sponsor.
                                     Therefore, you will want to measure these outcomes carefully to assist your sponsor.
                                     Remember that you may sign a sponsorship agreement with a large corporation or
                                     organization, but the day-to-day management of this agreement is between people. Find
                                     out what these people desire and try to provide them with these outcomes.
                                   Although communications between you and your sponsors is critical to your success, perhaps
                                   even more important are the internal communications between the event manager and his or
                                   her operations personnel. You must first confirm that your personnel will be able to support
                                   sponsorship activities at the level required by the individual sponsors. Determine if you have
                                   sufficient internal resources to satisfy the requirements both in contract as well as implied to
                                   ensure the well-being of your sponsor’s investment.

                                   Example, if your sponsor wants a hospitality setup arranged at the last minute, do you have a
                                   catering operation that can handle this request? One way to ensure that the sponsors’ needs are
                                   handled expeditiously is to create a written system of orders, changes, and other instructions
                                   that clearly communicate those activities required by your sponsors.

                                   Prior to distribution of these forms, have the sponsor’s representative sign one copy. Then have
                                   the event’s representative initial approval before forwarding it to the appropriate department
                                   or team leader.

                                   4.6.7 Evaluating Sponsorships

                                   To secure multiple-year sponsorships it is important that you develop and implement a system
                                   for measuring the sponsor’s activities. First, decide what needs to be evaluated and why. The
                                   answers to these questions typically may be found in the goals and objectives of the sponsorship
                                   agreement. To collect these data, conduct sponsorship evaluations that are comprehensive in
                                   scope. You may wish to interview the sponsors, your own staff, the sponsor’s target market, and
                                   others to solicit a wide range of opinions regarding the effectiveness of the sponsorship.
                                   Furthermore, you may wish to include in the event survey-specific questions about the sponsor’s
                                   Finally, ask the sponsor for tracking information regarding sales that have resulted from the
                                   sponsor’s participation in your event. You may measure the sponsor’s public relations benefits
                                   by measuring the number of minutes of television and/or radio time as well as the number of
                                   inches and columns of print media that was devoted to the sponsor’s products or name.
                                   Ask the sponsor how he or she would like to see the data you have measured presented. Some
                                   may prefer an elaborate in-person presentation using video clips and slides; others will prefer
                                   a simple summary of the goals, objectives, and outcomes that were achieved. Make certain that

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