P. 95

Event Management

                    Notes              Determine whether or not you require a separate home page for your event or a link from
                                       an existing home page to a unique page.

                                       Determine whether you will need a transaction page and ensure security for your ticket buyers.
                                       Determine whether you, your staff, or others can build the pages and/or make changes
                                       should they be needed.
                                       Identify and establish links with all marketing partners.
                                       Identify your event market segments and targets.

                                       If consultants are contracted to build your site or pages, determine how they will be
                                       maintained (frequency, speed, and reliability).
                                       Match the color scheme and design components to your printed matter.
                                       Use a focus panel of prospective event attendees to review your plans and suggest
                                       modifications to your overall design.

                                       Use e-mail reminders to increase attendance during the last two weeks of an event.
                                       Use online chat rooms to create discussion areas for pre-registered attendees and to generate
                                       follow-up discussion post-event.

                                       Use online evaluation systems to collect survey information before, during, and after an
                                       Use online registration systems.
                                       Use search engines to promote your event, with careful selection and registration of your
                                       Use viral marketing (e-mails copied to prospective attendees) to promote your event.
                                   The Internet will continue to drive the development of the global event management industry.
                                   You must use this dynamic technology quickly and accurately to ensure that your event remains
                                   competitive throughout the twenty-first century.

                                   4.8 Publicity

                                   Publicity is the deliberate attempt to manage the public’s perception of a subject. The subjects of
                                   publicity include people goods and services, organizations of all kinds, and works of art or

                                   4.8.1 Marketing and Publicizing the Event

                                   Good publicity and promotion is an essential ingredient for any successful event. You can use
                                   any number of promotional tools for circulating your message for example, using flyers, posters,
                                   newspapers, radio, television (depending on event scale and budget), advertising, personal
                                   invitations, local resident mail drops, internal promotion, local Council and other event web
                                   sites, or a combination of these tactics. Ensure that you consider your budget restrictions and
                                   target audiences. The Division of Marketing may be able to assist in the promotion and publicity
                                   of your event.

                                   4.8.2 Branding

                                   It is essential to be ensured that correct logo is used in all printed and promotional material. Any
                                   use of the name or logo must be approved in advance and in writing by the Division Marketing.
                                   You must also consider the branding and promotion of supporting organizations and sponsors.

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