P. 368

Unit 14: Sales Force Automation

          14.5 Review Questions                                                                 Notes

          1.   What do you understand by sales force automation?
          2.   Describe the important features of sales force automation system.

          3.   Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of sales force automation.
          4.   How is SFA important for a business?
          5.   What are the emerging technological advancements in SFA?
          6.   Discuss the general concept of SFA.
          7.   How far is the scope of SFA reached?

          8.   Is SFA used in manufacturing companies?
          9.   What is SFA included in CRM strategy?
          10.  What is meant by synchronization?

          Answers: Self  Assessment

          1.   Sales force automation            2.  Application

          3.   Mobile Server                     4.  Lodish
          5.   False                             6.  True
          7.   True                              8.  True
          9.   Delivery instructions             10.  Mobile  server

          11.  Sales process                     12.  Automatic
          13.  Advantage                         14.  Data
          15.  Feature

          14.6 Further Readings

           Books      Alex Berson, Stephen Smith, Kurt Thearling,  Building Data Mining Applications,
                      Chaturvedi & Chaturvedi, Customer Relationship Management, 2005, Excel Books,
                      New Delhi.

                      Mohammed, H. Peeru and A Sagadevan, Customer Relationship Management, 2004,
                      Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi.
                      Paul Greenberge, CRM – Essential Customer Strategies for the 21st Century, 2005,
                      Tata McGraw Hill.
                      William, G. Zikmund, Raymund McLeod Jr.; Faye W. Gilbert, Customer Relationships
                      Management, 2003, Wiley.

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