P. 51

Customer Relationship Management

                    Notes          6.  How many components are there in CRM and what explain them?
                                   7.  What are positioning and product concepts?
                                   8.  What is marketing research?
                                   9.  How is the strategies made for product identity enhancement?

                                   10.  Write short note on CSV.

                                   Answers: Self  Assessment

                                   1.  Functional                        2.   Three
                                   3.  All                               4.   Analytical CRM
                                   5.  Collaborative CRM                 6.   Value

                                   7.  Four                              8.   Existing product & existing customer
                                   9.  New product & new customer        10.  Value in business markets
                                   11.  Value creation                   12.  Innovation
                                   13.  Value creation innovation        14.  Three
                                   15.  Harvard business review

                                   2.7 Further Readings

                                   Books         Alex Berson, Stephen Smith, Kurt Thearling, Building Data Mining Applications,
                                                 Anderson, Paul and Art Rosenberg. The Executive's Guide to Customer Relationship
                                                 Management. Doyle Publishing Company, Houston, 2000
                                                 CGI Group Inc. White Paper, Building Competitive Advantages through Customer
                                                 Relationship Management, January 2001
                                                 Customer Relationship Management: A Strategic Perspective - G Shainesh, Jagdish
                                                 N Sheth

                                                 Mohammed H. Peeru and ASagadevan, Customer Relationship Management, Vikas
                                                 Publishing House, 2004, Delhi.
                                                 Paul Greenberge, CRM-Essential Customer Strategies for the 21st Century, Tata
                                                 McGraw Hill, 2005
                                                 William,  G.  Zikmund,  Raymund McLeod  Jr.,  Faye  W. Gilbert,  Customer
                                                 Relationships Management, Wiley, 2003.

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