P. 89

Accounting for Managers

                    Notes          13.  Interest received is an asset.
                                   14.  Interest accrued is an asset.
                                   15.  Bad Debts are personal account.

                                   4.8 Review Questions

                                   1.  What do you  mean by  Trading Account? Give the proforma of  Trading Account  and
                                       explain why it is prepared.
                                   2.  What is the importance of Balance Sheet? Give a form of Balance Sheet in Liquidity order
                                       with imaginary examples.
                                   3.  What do you mean by adjustment? Explain the different adjustment entries.
                                   4.  Write short notes on the following:
                                       (a)  Net Profit
                                       (b)  Manufacturing Accounts
                                       (c)  Capital and Revenue Expenditures
                                       (d)  Capital and Revenue Receipts
                                   5.  Illustrate the interrelationship between the accounting statements and statement of position.
                                   6.  Highlight the effect of the following entries in the:

                                       (a)  Closing stock
                                       (b)  Interest received in advance
                                       (c)  Rent outstanding
                                   7.  From the following information extracted from the books of Jain & Co, prepare Trading,
                                       Profit & Loss A/c for the year ended and Balance Sheet as on dated.
                                                                                       Dr.            Cr.
                                         Purchase                                         90,300
                                         Sales                                                          1,37,200
                                         Return inward                                    2,200
                                         Stock 1.1.2009                                   40,000
                                         Drawing                                          5,000
                                         Building                                         30,000
                                         Machinery                                        20,000
                                         Furniture                                        8,000
                                         Debtors                                          25,000
                                         Wages                                            3,000
                                         Carriage inwards                                 2,000
                                         Rent and Rates                                   1,500
                                         Bad debts                                        1,000
                                         Cash                                             3,500
                                         Investment                                       10,000

                                         Postages                                         2,500
                                         Insurance                                        2,000
                                         Return outwards                                                  1,300
                                         Capital                                                         50,000
          84                                LOVELY PROFESSIONAL UNIVERSITY
                                         Creditors                                                       24,000
                                         Interest                                                          500
                                         Commission                                                       3,250
                                         Provision Bad debts                                               750
                                         Bank O/d                                                        40,000
                                         Salaries                                         11,000
                                         Total                                          2,57,000        2,57,000
   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94