P. 46

Operations Management

                    Notes          2.4.6  Product and Process Development
                                   Once the detailed engineering is under way, the detailed product design provides the operations
                                   team the basis for preparing plans for:
                                   1.  Materials acquisitions, and
                                   2.  Production.
                                   This involves  suppliers also. Suppliers are  playing an  increasingly important  role with the
                                   increase in outsourcing.
                                   Operations activities involve:
                                   1.  Planning for production and control systems,
                                   2.  Computer information systems, and
                                   3.  Human resource systems.
                                             Table 2.1:  New Product  Development Process  – Inter-disciplinary  Roles

                                                                       Phases of Development
                                        Functional   Embodiment Design   Detailed Design   Product and   Market
                                         Activities   Preliminary   Definitive   Detail   Physical   Process   Introduc-
                                                   Design    Design   Design   Evaluation   Development   tion
                                                 Examine   Choose    Detailed   Refine details   Develop process   Evaluate
                                                 technologies;   component   design of   of product   charts. Evaluate   field
                                                 develop   systems.   product;   design; Help   and test pilot   experience
                                                 product ideas;   Identify   build full-  build second-  units; solve   with
                                                 build models   suppliers;   scale   phase   problems.   product.
                                       Product   or conduct   build early   prototypes   prototypes.
                                                 simulations.   system   conduct
                                                           prototypes;   prototype
                                                           define    testing.
                                                 Provide   Develop   Conduct   Conduct   Prepare for   Fill
                                                 market-based   estimates of   customer   second-phase   market rollout;   distribution
                                                 inputs-   sales and   tests of   customer   train sales force   channels;
                                                 identify target   margins;   prototypes;   tests; evaluate   and field service   sell and
                                                 customers;   conduct   participate in   prototypes;   personnel;   promote;
                                                 Define buyer   early   prototype   plan   prepare order   interact
                                                 value logic;   interaction   evaluation.   marketing   entry/process   with key
                                                 Specify   with               rollout;   system.   customers.
                                                 attributes;   customers.     establish
                                                 investigate                  distribution
                                                 product                      plan.
                                                 Propose and   Develop cost   Design   Test and try   Build pilot units   Ramp up
                                                 investigate   estimates;   process;   out tooling   in commercial   plan to
                                                 process   define    design and   and   process; refine   volume
                                                 concepts.   process   develop   equipment;   process based on   targets;
                                                           architecture;   tooling;   build second-  pilot experience;   meet
                                       Manufac-            conduct   participate in   phase   train personnel   targets for
                                       turing              process   building full-  prototypes;   and verify   quality,
                                                           simulation;   scale   install   supply channel.   yield and
                                                           validate   prototypes.   equipment      cost.
                                                           suppliers.         and specify
                                                 Description of   Initial   Data for cost   Updating of   Feasibility of   Collection
                                                 financial   financial   estimation.   investment   final plans.   of actual
                                                 status.    analysis,         requirements,        cost data.
                                       Finance             Return   on        Capital.
                                       Systems   Classification; organization and tabulation of information at all levels of product development.
                                                             Input to the   Assistance in   Planning      Initiation of
                                                             design of   prototype   for full      production.
                                                             product and   construction.   scale
                                                             process.           production.

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