P. 138

Unit 10: Family Influences

          10.2 Nature of Family Purchases and Decision-making                                   Notes

          Much depends on income limitations coupled with family responsibilities. These two factors
          influence many of the buying decisions of families. As already pointed out, young bachelors as
          well as newly married young couples (assuming that both are employed) are quite likely to
          have significant discretionary income.

          When two or more family members are directly or indirectly involved in the decision-making
          process, it is called family decision-making. Such family decisions differ from individual decisions
          in many ways.

                 Example: If we consider the purchase of a bicycle for a child, some of the relevant aspects
          to think about can be: who recognises the need for bicycle? How a brand is selected?

          Some family purchases are inherently emotional and affect the relationships between family
          members. The decision to buy a new dress, or a bicycle for the child is more than simply a
          routine purchase. It often might be an expression of love and commitment to the child.  The
          decision to buy a new stereo system or television set has emotional meaning to others in the
          family. The  root cause of many  marital discords  is often  related  to  spending the  money.
          Figure 10.1 depicts the decision-making for children's products.

          Joint decisions are more likely to operate in the early  stages of family life cycle when both
          spouses are  relatively  less  experienced. After  gaining  experience,  they  usually  delegate
          responsibilities  concerning buying decisions to each other.  When children enter the  family
          scene, both husband and wife assume specific roles. The husband tends to be more influential in
          the early stages of the life cycle, however, the wife is likely to become increasingly influential
          after a period of time, more so if she is employed and having some  financial leverage over
          family buying decisions.

          10.3 Husband-wife Influences

          Gender role preferences reflect culturally determined attitudes towards the role of husband/
          wife and father/mother in the household. The relative influence of husband/wife or father/
          mother is likely to vary according to (1) the nature of product (2) nature of purchase influence
          and (3) family characteristics.

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