P. 151
Unit 8: Advertising Strategy: Creative Execution
Using Colour Notes
Colour is another physical element of layout and can be used with impact only if its dimensions
are understood. Basic principles of layout design are the same for both colour and black-and-
white. The decision to use colour, and how much of it, can influence the development of copy
and art and the production of finished print advertisement. The use of colour directly influences
the cost of advertisement, but offers significant advantages.
1. Colour adds attention-capturing value to the advertisement.
2. Colour can help in imparting emphasis to important elements in an ad.
3. Colour can add a sense of realism or atmosphere.
4. Colour can help easy identification of brand name, package, and trademark.
5. Colour imparts a feeling of quality and prestige to the advertisement.
Print advertising has potential to contend with television. Print has the ability to generate
astonishing, eye-catching colours in advertisements. Use of colour suits many product categories,
such as food items, fabrics, and fashion items etc.
Typography and Copy Testing
Art directors' responsibility is to select the most appropriate type styles to enhance the desired
product-personality and complement the tone of the ad. The appearance of ads is significantly
affected by typefaces, design, and readability. Though, good type selection does not offset the
effect of a weak headline, poor bodycopy, or an inappropriate illustration, but it can work to
enhance the interest and attract readers' attention.
It is essential that production managers and graphic artists understand the five major type
groups, the artistic variations within a type family, and the structure of type. They should
always consider the four important concepts when selecting type: readability, appropriateness,
harmony or appearance, and emphasis.
Task Collect a few print advertisements and find out which type of headline is
used and are they well designed.
8.2 Television Commercial
Television is a powerful advertising medium and has the unique ability of combining visuals,
words, sounds, motion, and technology. With high levels of advertising clutter in this medium,
producing commercials that can communicate effectively is a complex and expensive process.
TV can be used to produce a variety of appeals and executions, not possible with print. However,
the viewer cannot control the pace of ad message, as is the case with print medium.
There are two basic components of a TV commercial: the video and the audio. The video consists
of the sight or visual part, and the audio part is made up of spoken words, music, or other
sounds. These two components must work in a synergistic manner to produce the desired