P. 50
Unit 4: Competency Mapping
Making Performance Management System a Way of life
s a continuing process of linking HRM to market forces and stakeholder-driven
policies, several new HR initiatives were put in place during the year. Having
Aintroduced Performance Management System (PMS) as a replacement of
conventional Annual Confidentiality Reports (ACRs), the company become the first PSE to
implement during the year, an e-enabling Performance Management System for executives
called e-MAP—Moving ahead through Performance. The new Performance Management
System was started by the initiative and high involvement of the top management with
a drive to excel and to counter competition with domestic as well as foreign suppliers
of equipment. The system, while debugging various lacunae faced in performance
management systems, is aimed at boosting the productivity of employee and introducing
greater transparency. It provides access to over 10,000 executives located all over the
country for preparing of their performance plans and completing the appraisal on a web-
enabled platform.
Five focus groups at Haridwar involving approximately 150 executives across levels,
functions, locations, units and sectors were taken to test the use of MAP.
The process of e-MAP took off in 2002. The existing performance management system
(ACR) was analyzed and improvement (design) measures were arrived at form the
analysis. The precondition for making it user friendly and time saving is e-enablement.
Simultaneously, a pilot project to develop implementation tools and processes for the
new performance management system was undertaken. A combination of e-enabling
and new tools and processes formed the basis to implement MAP, implementation of a
communication rollout to all executives. The 2002-03 cycle process review and the report
were done by Hewitt Consultants by June 2003. They also are assisting in performance
planning for 2003-04.
The duration from designing MAP till rolling it out to the middle and junior level
management was 14 weeks and Hewitt played an important role during this phase. BHEL
played its part in rolling out the communication process and MAP to middle and junior
executives. The 14-week task was divided into three phases. The first phase of two weeks
duration involved designing of MAP and the communication strategy and its materials.
The second mid-week phase was the change phase. The customization of e-enablement to
MAP requirements was followed by pilot study in IS and power sector and then the roll-
out of MAP to the pilot unit and functional templates were prepared.
The major part of this phase was spent in communicating the change and its implementation
as it was important for the rese of the sub-tasks in this phase.
BHEL leadership team workshops were held and MAP was introduced for usage to BHEL
middle and junior management during the third phase. It was of six weeks duration. The
process was monitored till the end of its completion for the middle management and a
process audit was held for the junior management.
Five hundred change agents were selected to implement the process throughout the
organization. These change agents were the high job performers and key managers and
executives. The communication strategy BHEL used in this task is as described hereafter.