P. 194

Unit 10: Logistics and Distribution

          While placing an order with the supplier, one should make sure that he has included desired  Notes
          date, time and routing of the required transportation service and has mentioned about required
          storage conditions of the merchandise.

          Production/Corporate Logistics

          To cater to growing market needs, the company needs to establish a new production system for
          logistics as well as modified production systems to accomplish the true ’real time sales’ system.
          For this, a new revolutionary production project team should be formed whose sole purpose is
          to establish a ’production, sales and logistics total linkage system’ that will eventually eliminate
          overstock and shortage problems. This kind of a production system is called Market Linkage
          Production System (MLPS). The benefits of using the MLPS are illustrated in the following
                                Figure 10.2: Benefits of using the MLPS

                        Current Scenario             Modified Scenario After MLPS Application

            1.  The  time period spend on establishing  sales and   1.  In order  to produce and supply the actual market
            production  plans is too long.  The longer it  gets, the   demand, it is very  crucial to establish  a logistic  system
            accuracy  of  such  plans is reduced. In a  constantly   closely linked with the market trends.   It is imperative to
            changing market, it is inevitable to adjust or modify plans.   develop  the  information  that  will  enable  the
            2. Too many  departments are involved  in approving  a   production/supply system to cope with market variations.
            ’production/supply plan’. These departments are the sales,   MLPS  consists  of ’Replenishment Production System’.
                                                 This supports the production and the ’Purchase Support
            the product  marketing,  the product management and
            purchasing departments. Such successive operations from   System’, which aids the ordering of parts and materials as
            one department to another require a long period of time   sub-system.
            and  also  there  is no consistency  in transferring of all   2. The  task force team should execute all project
            information.                         operations.  The  corporate  logistics  management
            3. There is a low level of utilization of information systems   department supports directing each phase  of operation
            in formulating all  plans. All  the  necessary data from   and developing and designing of the system. The  task
            production and purchase plans  are  not generated  by the   force  team should be led by the Logistics Management
            information systems  but are maintained manually. Real   Department’s Logistics Information  System (LIS) team
            time sale system  cannot  be achieved under current   leader and  should consist of members from various
            system, due  to rapid changes of various production plans   departments, such  as production, logistics,  purchasing,
            within a company as well as within other companies such   corporate logistics management and information systems.
            as suppliers or vendors.             3. All  team members should follow their role in executing
                                                 their top responsibilities.

          Customer Logistics

          Customer logistic involves a seven ’R’ framework namely, it should be a process of right quantity
          of the right product or service to the right place in the right conditions at the right cost and at the right
          time with the right impression. If these seven aspects are taken care of, customer logistics process
          will be able to create higher levels of customer satisfaction. It will also show that the company
          is concerned about the customers and their logistics requirements. The focus of customer logistics
          should be on speedy and timely delivery, shorter lead time, safety of goods and users and
          lowering of distribution costs. The objective of this process should be to achieve on time delivery
          and realize higher customer satisfaction by implementing a flexible and swift customer logistics

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