P. 241

Operations Research

                    Notes          12.2 Rules in Constructing a Network

                                   1.  No single activity can be represented more than once in a network. The length of an arrow
                                       has no significance.
                                   2.  The event numbered 1 is the start event and an event with highest number is the end event.
                                       Before an activity can be undertaken, all activities preceding it must be completed. That is,
                                       the activities must follow a logical sequence (or interrelationship) between activities.

                                   3.  In assigning numbers to events, there should not be any duplication of event numbers in
                                       a network.
                                   4.  Dummy  activities must be used  only if  it is  necessary to  reduce the complexity of  a
                                   5.  A network should have only one start event and one end event.
                                   Some conventions of network diagram is shown in Figure 12.10 (a), (b), (c), (d) below:

                                                  Figure 12.10  (a), (b),  (c), (d): Some Conventions  followed
                                                             in  Making Network  Diagrams

                                                                           (a) Activity B can be performed only
                                                               C              after completing activity A, and
                                               A       B                      activity C can be performed only
                                                                              after completing activity B.
                                                   A                       (b) Activities B and C can start
                                                                              simultaneously only after
                                                                              completing A.

                                                                           (c) Activities A and B must be
                                                                              completed before start of
                                                              C               activity C.

                                                                           (d) Activity C must start only after
                                                                              completing activities A and B. But
                                                                              activity D can start after
                                                                              completion of activity B.

                                     Notes  Procedure for Numbering the Events using Fulkerson’s Rule
                                     Step 1:  Number the start or initial event as 1.
                                     Step 2:  From event 1, strike off all outgoing activities. This would have  made one or
                                            more events as initial events  (event which  do not  have incoming  activities).
                                            Number that event as 2.
                                     Step 3:  Repeat step 2 for event 2, event 3 and till the end event. The end event must have
                                            the highest number.

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