P. 128

Unit 6: Business Networks and Telecommunications

          6.7 Internet Networking Services                                                      Notes

          Both organization and individuals can choose from a variety of options when subscribing to
          networking services. Table 6.2 summarizes the major services offered by telecommunications
          companies. Note that the bit rates shown are for downstream, which is the speed of receiving
          from the network; upstream speeds, the speeds of transmitting into the network, are usually
          much lower. Also be aware that these are typical speeds in the United States. They might be
          different in other countries. Monthly costs, too are typical but vary from region to region. For
          some services such as T1 and T3 companies also offer fractions of the speeds for lower fees.
          For most individuals and businesses, a service that provides a much lower transmission rate
          (upstream speed) than reception rate (downstream speed) is suitable. This is because they rarely
          upload large files to web sites or transmit large amounts of e-mail that must arrive at its
          destination in a fraction of a second. However, organizations such as online businesses and
          media companies that must upload large files quickly must also have high upstream speeds.
          Such organizations may opt for internet communication lines that allows high speeds both
          downstream and upstream.

          The proliferation of high-speed connection services, also called broadband services, is mainly
          the result of businesses and individuals rush to the internet. Some of the services, such as cable,
          DSL, and satellite links are offered both to businesses and residences. Others such as T1 and T3
          lines and the OC class are offered only to businesses, largely because of their high cost.

             Notes  Some of the services are actually groups of services that differ in speeds.

                 Example: Some DSL services designed for businesses provide the same speed downstream
          and upstream, while options for households always provide a greater downstream speed than
          upstream speed.

                              Table 6.2: Typical Features of Internet Services
               Services   Downstream Speed      Availability            Monthly Fee
           Dial-up      56 Kbps      Universal                   $9-11
           BPL          3 Mbps       Limited Availability        $30-40
           Cable        0.5-3 Mbps   Widespread; available nearly everywhere TV   $30-50
                                     cable service is offered
           DSL          0.5-8 Mbps   More limited than cable, but spreading faster   $30-50
                                     speed also depends on distance from telco office
           T1, T3       1.544 M,     Widespread                  $300-1,000
                        44.736 Mbps                              $3,000-10,000
           Satellite    1 Mbps       Widespread, practical only with view to the   $40-50
                                     southern sky
           Fixed Wireless   100 Mbps   Limited, but spreading    $2,000
           Fiber to the Premises  5-30 Mbps   Limited, but spreading   $30-180
           OC-3         155.52 Mbps   Limited availability       $60,000
           OC-12        622.08 Mbps   Limited availability       Several hundred thousand dollars
           OC-48        2.488 Gbps   Limited availability        Several hundred thousand dollars

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