P. 302

Unit 15: Marketing of Agricultural Produce

             Mainstreaming gender concerns in agriculture will receive particular attention. Appropriate  Notes
             structural, functional and institutional measures will be initiated to empower women and
             build their capabilities and improve their access to inputs, technology and other farming
             Adequate and timely supply of quality inputs such as seeds, fertilizers, plant protection
             chemicals, bio-pesticides, agricultural machinery and credit at reasonable rates to farmers
             will be the endeavor of the Government. Soil testing and quality testing of fertilizers and
             seeds will be ensured and supply of spurious inputs will be checked. Balanced and optimum
             use of fertilizers will be promoted together with use of organic manures & bio-fertilizers
             to optimize the efficiency of nutrient use.
             Development, production and distribution of improved varieties of seeds and planting
             materials and strengthening and expansion of seed and plant certification system with
             private  sector participation will receive a high priority. A  National Seed Grid will be
             established to ensure supply of seeds especially to areas affected by natural calamities.
             The National Seeds Corporation (NSC) and State Farms Corporation of India (SFCI) will
             be restructured for efficient utilization of investment and manpower.
             Protection to plant varieties through a sui generis legislation, will be granted to encourage
             research  and breeding  of new  varieties particularly  in the private sector  in line  with
             India’s obligations under TRIPS Agreement. The farmers will, however, be allowed their
             traditional rights to save, use, exchange, share and sell their farm saved seeds except as
             branded seeds of protected varieties for commercial purpose. The interests of the researchers
             will also be safeguarded in carrying out research on proprietary varieties to develop new
             Integrated pest management and use of biotic agents in order to minimize the indiscriminate
             and injudicious use of chemical pesticides will be the cardinal principle covering plant
             protection. Selective and eco-friendly farm mechanization through appropriate technology
             will be promoted, with special reference to rain fed farming to reduce arduous work and
             to make agriculture efficient and competitive as also to increase crop productivity.
             The  Government  will endeavour  to create  a  favourable  economic  environment  for
             increasing capital formation and farmer’s own investments, by removal of distortions in
             the incentive regime for agriculture, improving the terms of trade with manufacturing
             sectors and bringing about external and domestic market reforms, backed by rationalization
             of domestic tax structure. It will seek to bestow on the agriculture sector, in as many
             respects as possible, benefits similar to those obtained in the manufacturing sector, such as
             easy availability of credit and other inputs, and infrastructure facilities for development
             of agri-business industries and development of effective delivery systems and freeing
             movement of agro produce.

             Consequent  upon  dismantling of  Quantitative  Restrictions on imports  as per  WTO
             Agreement on Agriculture, commodity-wise strategies and arrangements for protecting
             the grower from adverse impact of undue price fluctuations in world markets and for
             promoting exports will be formulated. Apart from  price competition,  other aspects of
             marketing such as quality, choice, health and bio-safety will be  promoted. Exports of
             horticultural produce and marine products will receive particular emphasis. A two-fold
             long term strategy of diversification of agricultural produce and value addition enabling
             the production system to respond to external environment and creating export demand
             for the commodities produced in the country will be evolved with a view to providing the
             farmers incremental income from export earnings. A favourable economic environment
             and supportive public management system will be created for promotion of agricultural

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