P. 305

Rural Marketing

                    Notes            sector, will be developed as a supplementary mechanism for bringing the rural poor into
                                     the formal banking system, thereby improving banks outreach and the credit flows to the
                                     poor in an effective and sustainable manner.
                                     The basic support to agriculture has been provided by the co-operative sector assiduously
                                     built over the years. The Government will provide active support for the promotion of
                                     co-operative form of enterprise and ensure greater autonomy and operational freedom to
                                     them to improve their functioning. The thrust will be on:

                                     1.   Structural reforms for promoting greater efficiency and viability by freeing them
                                          from excessive bureaucratic control and political interference.
                                     2.   Creation of infrastructure and human resource development.

                                     3.   Improvement in financial viability and organizational sustainability of co-operatives.
                                     4.   Democratisation of management and increased professionalism in their operations.
                                     5.   Creating a viable interface with other grass-root organizations.
                                     The Legislative and regulatory framework will be appropriately amended and strengthened
                                     to achieve these objectives.
                                     Despite technological and economic advancements, the condition of farmers continues to
                                     be unstable due to natural calamities and price fluctuations. National Agriculture Insurance
                                     Scheme covering all farmers and all crops throughout the country with built in provisions
                                     for insulating farmers  from financial  distress caused  by natural  disasters and making
                                     agriculture financially viable will be made more farmer specific and effective. Endeavour
                                     will be made to provide a package insurance policy for the farmers, right from sowing of
                                     the  crops to  post-harvest operations,  including market  fluctuations  in  the  prices  of
                                     agricultural produce.
                                     In order to reduce risk in agriculture and impart greater resilience to Indian agriculture
                                     against droughts and floods, efforts will be made for achieving greater flood proofing of
                                     flood  prone agriculture and drought proofing of rainfed agriculture for protecting the
                                     farmers from vagaries of  nature. For  this purpose, contingency agriculture  planning,
                                     development  of drought and  flood  resistant  crop  varieties, watershed  development
                                     programmes,  drought  prone  areas  and  desert  development  programmes and  rural
                                     infrastructure development programmes will receive particular attention.
                                     The  Central  Government  will  continue  to  discharge  its  responsibility  to  ensure
                                     remunerative prices for agricultural produce through announcement of Minimum Support
                                     Prices policy for major agricultural commodities. The food, nutrition and other domestic
                                     and  exports requirements of the country will  be kept in view  while determining the
                                     support prices of different commodities. The price structure and trade mechanism will be
                                     continuously reviewed to ensure a favourable economic environment for the agriculture
                                     sector and to bring about an equitable balance between the rural and the urban incomes.
                                     The methodology  used by the Commission on Agricultural Costs & Prices (CACP) in
                                     arriving at estimates of costs of production will be periodically reviewed. The price structure
                                     of both inputs and outputs will be monitored to ensure higher returns to the farmers and
                                     bring about cost effectiveness throughout the economy. Domestic market prices will be
                                     closely monitored to prevent distress sales by the farmers. Public and co-operative agencies
                                     undertaking marketing operations will be strengthened.
                                     The  Government will enlarge the coverage of futures markets to  minimize the  wide
                                     fluctuations in commodity prices as also for hedging their risks. The endeavour will be to
                                     cover all important agricultural products under futures trading in course of time.

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