P. 309
Rural Marketing Hitesh Jhanji, Lovely Professional University
Notes Unit 16: Marketing in Small Towns
16.1 Small Towns becoming Important to Marketers: Ernst & Young Report
16.2 Ideas of Small Town Marketing
16.3 What Kind of Business to Start in Small Town
16.4 How to Create a Small Town Marketing Strategy
16.5 Some Things to Keep in Mind as you Plan your Strategy
16.6 Where is the Best Place to Start?
16.7 What will Market Research Tell Me?
16.8 What is the Small Town Marketing Research Process?
16.9 What are Some Low-cost Market Research Techniques
16.10 Summary
16.11 Keywords
16.12 Review Questions
16.13 Further Readings
After studying this unit, you will be able to:
Explain the Small Town Marketing Ideas.
Describe the Media Strategy.
Explain the Small town Marketing Plan.
Discuss the Small Town Marketing Research Process.
Small town business owners are unbelievably busy. But the fact remains that in addition to
running a business, successful small business owners recognize the need to educate themselves
on a tremendous variety of subjects in order to stay current and relevant. Small business marketing
is at the top of the list. Think about it, small business owners need to have a working knowledge
of sales, accounting, inventory control, hiring (and firing) practices, psychology, management
and much, much more. And with increasing time constraints, the very thought of having to
learn "small business marketing strategies" might seem like an impossible task. But after almost
30 years involved in a wide variety of businesses most of the problems associated with falling
profits and failing ventures can be tracked directly to the failure of the business owner to
implement solid, proven, successful small business marketing principles.