P. 69
Services Marketing
Notes Zone of Tolerance
It is the gap between customers desired service expectations and the adequate service expectations
as shown in Figure 4.1. This zone varies for each customer and for the same customer it differs
in different situations. Customers view reliability as the core dimension of any service transaction
and are not ready to compromise on reliability. Therefore, their zone of tolerance on the
dimension of reliability is narrow. It is also narrow when customers have various service
alternatives available.
Example: If we take the earlier example of Mumbai local trains, the zone of tolerance
narrows down when the commuter is in a hurry and the zone widens when there is a service
Predicted Service
It is the level that lies between the desired and the adequate service level of a customer and is
known as the zone of tolerance.
Figure 4.1: Service Level Expectations
Adequate Desired
Zone of tolerance
Low High
4.2.2 Factors Influencing Customer Expectations of Service
Service providers should have knowledge of the factors that influence customer expectations of
service. These factors can be studied under various heads, namely factors that influence customer
expectations of desired service, factors that influence customer expectations of adequate service
and lastly, factors that influence both desired and predicted service expectations of a customer.
Factors Influencing Desired Service Expectations
Customer needs and enduring service intensifiers largely influence customer expectations of a
desired service.
Customer Needs are the needs represented in Maslows hierarchy of needs. Customers differ in
their expectations of desired service depending on their most vital need.
Example: If a customer who is hungry and another who is thirsty enter the same restaurant,
their desired service expectations differ based on their most important need at the moment.
While the customer who is hungry expects the waiter to immediately serve him the food he
orders, the customer who is thirsty expects the waiter to first serve him some cold water to
Enduring Service intensifiers are of two types, namely, derived service expectations of a customer
and his philosophy regarding the service.