P. 225

Management Control Systems

                    Notes          Cut-off Levels

                                   A bonus plan may be limited at either end. (1) The level of performance at which a maximum
                                   bonus is reached (upper cut-off) and (2) lower cut-off, the level below which no bonus award
                                   will be available. When business unit managers recognize that either the maximum bonus has
                                   been attained or there will be no bonus at all, the motivational aspect of bonus system will be
                                   contrary to corporate goals. Instead of optimizing profits in the current period, managers may
                                   be motivated to decrease profitability in one year by overspending on discretionary expenses
                                   such as: advertising, research and development, so as to create  an opportunity for a higher
                                   bonus in the next year. This situation can be corrected by carrying over the excess or deficiency
                                   into the following year i.e., bonus available  for distribution  in a  given year  would be  the
                                   amount of bonus earned during that year plus any excess or minus any deficiency from the
                                   previous year.
                                   Bonus Basis

                                   A business unit manager’s incentive bonus could be based solely on total corporate profits or
                                   solely on business unit profits or on some mix of the two.
                                   Note: In a single industry firm, where business units are highly interdependent, the manager’s
                                   bonus is tied primarily to corporate performance, since inter-unit co-operation is critical.
                                   In  a conglomerate, on the other hand, the business units are usually autonomous.  In such a
                                   context, it would be counterproductive to base business unit manager’s bonuses primarily on
                                   company profits since this would weaken the link between performance and rewards. Therefore,
                                   it  is desirable  to  reward  such  business  unit managers  primarily based  on  business  unit
                                   performance and so foster the entrepreneurial spirit.
                                   For related diversified firms, it might be desirable to base part of the business unit managers’
                                   bonus on business unit profits and part on company’s profit, to provide the right mixture of
                                   incentives - namely: to optimize units’ results while, at the same time, co-operating with other
                                   units to optimize company performance.

                                   11.5 Performance Criteria

                                   To decide the criteria, as the basis for deciding bonus for business unit managers, the following
                                   need to be considered:
                                   1.  Financial criteria: If  the business unit is a profit centre, the choice of financial criteria
                                       include contribution margin, direct business unit profit, controllable business unit profit,
                                       income before taxes and net income after taxes. If the unit is an investment centre, decisions
                                       need to be made in three areas:

                                       (i)  Definition of profit
                                       (ii)  Definition of investment, and
                                       (iii)  Choice between return on investment and EVA

                                       If the responsibility centre is a revenue centre, the financial criteria would be sales volume
                                       or sales rupees.
                                   2.  Adjustments for  uncontrollable factors:  In addition to selecting the financial  criteria,
                                       adjustments need to be made for uncontrollable factors such as: expenses as a result of
                                       decisions made by executives above the business unit level (to close a factory that was
                                       working at 30 % of capacity) and to eliminate the effects of losses due to acts of nature (fire,
                                       earthquakes, floods) and accidents not arising due to negligence of the manager.

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