P. 230

Unit 11: Management Compensation

          11.8 Keywords                                                                         Notes

          Bonus: Bonus equal to a set percentage of profits.
          Long-term Incentive Plans: The basic premise of long-term incentive plans is the growth in the
          value of company shares; reflect company’s long-run performance.
          Performance Units: In a performance unit plan, a cash bonus is paid on the attainment of specific
          long-term targets.

          Stock Appreciation Rights: A stock appreciation right is a right to receive cash payments based
          on the increase in the value of shares from the time of the award until a specified future date.

          11.9 Review Questions

          1.   What role management compensation plays in a management control system?

          2.   What are the characteristics of incentive compensation plans?
          3.   What are the long-term incentive plans?
          4.   How is incentive for corporate officers determined, including the CEO?

          5.   Describe the wide range of options available to business unit managers in developing an
               incentive compensation package.
          6.   What should be the size of bonus relative to salary?

          7.   In deciding incentive, what performance criteria should be considered for the responsibility
               centre? How should bonus be determined?

          Answers: Self  Assessment

          1.   Motivation                        2.  Bonus
          3.   Deferred bonus                    4.  Stock appreciation

          5.   Fixed pay                         6.  Single industry firm
          7.   Formal planning                   8.  Extrinsic

          11.10 Further Readings

           Books      Anthony, Robert N and Govindrajan, Vijay, "Management Control System", Tata
                      McGraw Hill.

                      Kaura, Mohinder N, "Management Control and Reporting System", Response Books.
                      Maciariello, Joseph A. and Kirby Calvin J.,  Management Control  Systems, 2nd
                      Edition, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited.

                      Merchant, Kenneth A,  "Management Control System: Text and  Cases",  Pearson
                      Education Asia.
                      Saravanavel, P, "Management Control System", Himalaya Publishing House.

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