P. 78
Unit 5: Training Implementation
or cooperate in the enhancement of trainee’s learning, or to observe the post-training
performance and submit a report on the improvements. In case of paid programmes, a
couple of trainees may not have paid the course fees yet. Follow-up with such trainees or
with their employers to pay the outstanding amount. If you have drawn advance amount
from your finance department, please arrange to submit the bills and square off the
entries in the books of accounts.
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
4. Training implementation function begins with blocking appropriate dates once the …...…..
is ready.
5. Training resources involve financial resources and goes beyond by touching the human
resources, material resources and ……………….. resources.
6. After the programme is started many other problems may crop up and to handle this,
training manager is required to have a ………………. plan.
5.3 Logistical Arrangements
Training Site: The training site is the physical location where it is delivered. It may be owned or
rented premises. If it is owned then the issues to be considered are: is it an exclusive facility built
for training purpose, or a multipurpose auditorium requiring additional arrangements, is it
available on the identified date, how to book the venue, what is the space requirement and space
availability, like classrooms and lodging rooms both in size and number. Whether the venue
has basic facilities like catering, lodging, toilets, rest rooms, audio visual aids, photocopying,
library etc. Where is its location and from where are the major part of trainees coming. If 45 out
of total 50 trainees are from North India and training centre is located in Bangalore; are we not
saving the travel and lodging cost by hiring a rented premises in New Delhi? What are the
limitations of having the programme in rented premises at New Delhi? How good are the
transportation facilities? What further arrangements are to be made?
If it is a rented premises then it may be a hotel, auditorium or a college. There are additional
arrangements needed in rented premises like seating, audio-visual equipments like LCD, OHP,
Sound Systems, White Board, Flip chart, etc. Have them fixed and checked in advance. You also
have to negotiate the rates for food and snacks and block the venue by paying advance amount.
Always obtain a written confirmation of the booking from the hotel.
Did u know? Choosing a right venue for training programme is very critical especially in
off-the-job training.
Locationally, the place should be a likable destination [like Bangalore (Karnataka), Pune and
Lonavala (Maharashtra) or Mussoorie and Nainital (Uttarakhand)] having pleasant climate.
Block the training hall at least 90 days in advance and intimate the trainees for booking travel
tickets. If the centre does not have lodging facility, then prepare a panel of hotels and inform the
trainees along with tariff rates, locations and contact details.
The training hall should be spacious enough to accommodate all participants and should be
friendly enough to the disabled people. It should be well connected for transport and