P. 74
Unit 5: Training Implementation
5. Infrastructure available and required: If the required infrastructure is already available in Notes
the company, then consider developing in-house.
6. Time deadlines: What is the time available and required? If the learning is time sensitive
and sufficient time is not available for training, the entire group of identified people
within in the available time, then consider outsourcing.
Caution Any additional reasons which demand the choice of making versus buying decision
should be recorded in writing.
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
1. A mixture of outsourcing and making yourself activities is called as ……........………
approach of implementation.
2. If the learning is time sensitive and sufficient time is not available for training, the entire
group of identified people within in the available time, then organization may consider
………...........……. approach.
3. A programme can be implemented in three major ways namely by buying, making and
............……………. approach.
5.2 Implementation of In-house Programme
In the event of deciding to conduct the training programme in-house, the challenge of full
implementation emerges. The entire gamut of implementation activities can be classified into
blocking the dates, mobilizing the resources, managing the contingencies and executing the
programme. Figure below shows the activities involved in training implementation.
Figure 5.3: Training implementation process
Step 1 Step 2
Block Mobilize
the dates resources
Step 4 Step 3
Execute Manage
the programme contingencies
5.2.1 Blocking the Dates
Training implementation function begins with blocking appropriate dates once the design is
ready. There are so many stakeholders involved in a training activity like the trainees, the