P. 55
Organization Change and Development
The media include the whole range and we have must initiated the setting up of a Learning
Centre at Bangalore with an investment of about a million rupees.
The fourth story is about how one really goes about preparing employees to accept constant
changes. And of course we are all aware that the competitive business environment is
something which is staring at us. There is opportunity to improve performance either
through margin upgradation or through volume growth or increased market share but all
this really means need for a change in the mindset of people. In this the role of
communication and training is very crucial. In most of the factories and sales branches,
employees are covered through what is called “Our Business and Us” type of a three-day
Module Programme, essentially to give them an appreciation about the economic
imperative of the businesses and what are some of the challenges and problems that they
are confronted with.
Long-term Settlements
Long-term settlement is yet another issue. Long-term Settlements are used with the
employee unions as an instrument for improving productivity and viability, and
restructuring which also involves down-sizing. For this purpose a simple model is used,
where it is said that performance is a function of ability, willingness, competence, and
motivation. The employees were plotted in several units and in some parts of businesses
where there was the problem of over manning, in trying to identify in which of the
quadrants they are falling.
There is a significant change in the information technology. The most notable feature is
that there is today higher power at affordable or lower cost. How does one really make
sure that this is really used as a leverage for harmonizing business processes? In this case
it is really a fair amount of integration that has taken place in the sales related systems and
how IT has effectively been used as an enabler. This means, for the human resource
management, four challenges. The whole focus here is on training and upgrading of skills
and also helping people to work in teams in order to relocate the work flow and improve
the business processes. And last, but not the least is how do we really help them to look at
some new means of net-working. And Email or lotus notes are examples as to how some
improvements are looked at. The last issue to raise is, how to we attract and retain talents.
One proposition is that it is that attracting and retaining talent is dependent upon the type
of forces which are operating, which means the type of technology, the status of the
market and certain societal factors, aspirational factors. In a volatile environment, the
turnover for employees and management related specific resources is going to be high.
If you were going to look at the spectrum, certainly you have a scenario where in software
industry we are talking about, anywhere in the region of 35% to 40% separations.
Emotional Bonding
If we are to look at retention of talents from another perspective, there is that pertaining
to the left brain versus the right brain meaning emotional bonding of employees with the
organization. It is really taking place and there are studies to show that the Indians are
highly affiliative and we have the potential opportunities of strengthening the emotive
bonding of employees with the organization and the question is what is the role of line
managers, what is the role of HR managers to make that process happen. And the last one
is use of basic framework of management development or people development policies
and all of us are aware of several policies relating to remuneration, career planning, job
challenges, etc. as processes to really retain good talents. So to summarize, ultimately all
innovations have to originate in the minds of human beings and be implemented through
and with other persons.