P. 12

Unit 1: Materials Management: An Introduction

            9.   Reduction in the materials cost by about 5  per cent is always  possible through  a/an  Notes
                 ………………. of materials.
            10.  In the manufacturing industry …………….. constitute the largest percentage of the costs of
                 management of materials.

            1.4 Materials Management in Other Areas of Management Functions

            Materials management as a company’s supply system has manifold interdependencies with its
            neighbour function and is thus of great importance in industrial management. It must therefore
            be  the business  maxim of  materials management  to make  as optimum  contribution of  the
            company’s profits by goods cooperation with its neighboring departments. Costs for materials
            and overheads can be effectively reduced just as much inventories by means of cooperation and
            sufficiently intensive communication. Only in this way can the  interface problems between
            Materials Management and its neighbour functions be solved, which exist in a company regardless
            of how responsibilities are divided up. This of course presupposes a climate of mutual trust,
            understanding, and recognition of the achievements of the other functions and also consensus as
            to common goals instead of departmental egoism.

            1.4.1 Materials Management and Design/Development

            Good  cooperation  is  absolutely  necessary  between  Materials  Management  and  design
            development in the interest of advantageous materials costs and low level of capital being tied
            up in inventories. Measures taken by design and development  determine the structure of a
            company’s materials and parts requirements and hence materials and parts requirements and
            hence material costs as well to a quite considerable extent. Cooperation between  materials
            management and design/development is therefore necessary in several respects:
                To coordinate product development and supply;

                In alteration service;
                In buying new assembly parts;
                In carrying out value analysis;

                In the setting of norms, standardization and analysis of the materials and part purchases;
                In quality control;
                In determining component parts to be used;
                In formulating enquiries to suppliers;
                In making or buying decisions; and

                In updating the bills of materials.

            1.4.2 Materials Management and Production

            The task of materials management and production are closely related. Derived from marketing,
            it is in production where materials requirements originate and it is up to materials management
            to cover the requirements.
            The two functions overlap within the spheres of scheduling, production program planning and
            production control  i.e. in  those sub-functions  which  are  also  assigned  in different  ways
            organizationally within the company to materials management and production.

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