P. 11

Materials Management

                      Notes                  Directly by making full use of every opportunity for reducing stocks at all stages.

                                             Indirectly by efficiently coordinating the processes from customer order processing
                                              to purchasing processing.

                                             Market-oriented purchasing, on the one hand, and a comprehensive approach to
                                              planning, controlling, and handling the flow of materials and goods, using logistical
                                              instruments, on  the other hand, is  thus  the  two pillars  of Integrated Materials
                                    The two of them used in combination have the power to make a substantial contribution in
                                    improving company  profits.


                                       Caselet     Materials Management Plans Promote Sustainability

                                               any business and institutional campuses have cluttered, noisy, and oftentimes
                                               inefficient  service environments. Delivery trucks compete with  pedestrians,
                                       Mloading docks are  in  plain  sight,  trash  dumpsters sprout  up,  and  lobbies,
                                       hallways, and stairwells are cluttered with unplanned storage.
                                       Most owners understand the  importance of efficient materials management, but  they
                                       rarely think about these systems as opportunities to promote sustainability. However,
                                       with forethought and creativity, these systems can reduce energy use and carbon emissions,
                                       minimize traffic congestion, streamline operational flows, and enhance esthetics.
                                       For instance, materials management  plans can include developing  a better circulation
                                       infrastructure. Service points can be clustered to reduce the number of loading docks and
                                       track  parking, thus  reducing  redundancy  and increasing  effectiveness.  An  effective
                                       materials  management  program  can  also  resolve “island”  approaches  to  shipping,
                                       receiving, and vehicle  movement, a situation where each building developed its own
                                       system for vendors, logistics, and delivery. Solutions can include creating a new central
                                       loading location, as well consolidating service areas and docks from separate buildings
                                       into one.
                                       Developing better campus circulation infrastructure also means reevaluating truck delivery
                                       and service vehicle routes. Vehicle type, size, and schedules are studied to make these
                                       more compatible with surrounding neighborhoods. This will reduce truck traffic, creating
                                       a safer environment for pedestrians and a more attractive environment for other uses.

                                       Reevaluating solid and hazardous waste removal, storage, and recycling is another aspect
                                       of  an  effective  materials  management  plan.  This  includes  creating efficient  waste
                                       management guidelines and increased recycling initiatives.

                                    Self Assessment

                                    Fill in the blanks:

                                    7.   Material contributes to the quality of the…………… .
                                    8.   The margin between the values of raw materials and the finished products is known as the
                                         ………………… by production.

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