P. 6

Pavitar Parkash Singh, Lovely Professional University  Unit 1: Introduction: An Overview of Retail Operations

            Unit 1: Introduction: An Overview of Retail Operations                              Notes


             1.1  Retail Operations
                 1.1.1  Functions of a Retailer
                 1.1.2  Services of a Retailer

             1.2  Stores Organization
                 1.2.1   Organization Structures
                 1.2.2  Forms of Retail Store Organization
                 1.2.3   Franchise Stores
             1.3  Selection of Right Location

                 1.3.1   Considerations in Layout Selection
                 1.3.2  Types of Retail Location
             1.4  Summary

             1.5  Keywords
             1.6  Review Questions
             1.7  Further Readings


          After studying this unit, you should be able to:

               Have an overview of retail operations
               Discuss the essence of retail business
               Specify functions of a retailer

               Discuss for stores organization
               Describe store location and its need
               Explain selection of a right location


          Retailing is the latest buzzword among the business. It is evolving into a global, high-tech
          business and occupies a pre-eminent position in the economics of all modern societies. Retailing
          today is at an interesting cross road. Town with lower income and higher employment trends
          would give rise to fragmentation of the retail universe resulting in a large number of small
          outlets. For example: Bombay, Calcutta, Chennai, Hyderabad, and Visakhapatnam.
          The growth of retailing in most countries the world over is synonymous with the growth of the
          information technology sector in that country, as no retailer can do justice to his business or to

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