P. 178

Unit 11: Wholesale Purchasing and Negotiation with Vendors

             with historical noise in beverage sales, and statistical confidence was not high enough to
             drive a management decision.
             However, the results were more complex than they initially appeared. The APT software
             was next used to perform customisable time-period analysis, producing clear  findings.
             This time-series view revealed  that the installation caused initial consumer  disruption,
             and this disruption had disguised a long term trend far larger than the lift that had initially
             been observed. The  initial disruption was followed by a  spike in sales as consumers
             restocked, and, after three months sales, reached a stable plateau. On one hand, the grocer
             was disappointed that the feature was causing sales disruption – but, on the other hand,
             the long-term impact of the program was much better than previously thought.
             Although the sales impact was moderate, it masked a much larger shift in purchasing
             patterns. Automatic drilldown analysis using APT’s software revealed that  consumers
             were moving beverage purchases toward more premium choices. As a result of this shift,
             improved gross margin rate meant that the program  was more  profitable than  sales
             analysis alone would suggest.

             Next, the APT software was used to evaluate the four aisle configurations. All four variants
             resulted in initial sales disruption; the “Gold” option drove  significantly higher sales,
             followed closely by the  “Silver” option.  The “Gold”  option was,  however, the  most
             expensive, and from an ROI perspective, “Silver” was therefore more profitable.

             The software also quickly analyzed a wide range of store characteristics to identify those
             most correlated with superior store performance. This store-based segmentation analysis
             showed that the program worked particularly well in stores with trade areas serving a
             younger  demographic.
             The Results
             The results presented an opportunity to move forward with the Aisle Redesign while also
             improving execution. As a result of APT analysis, the “Silver” design was targeted for
             primary  rollout,  additional  signage  was  recommended  to  reduce  initial  consumer
             confusion,  and  stores in  younger  trade  areas were  prioritized  for  early rollout.  The
             optimized rollout generated millions of dollars in incremental profit.

             1.  Analyze the case and explain the problem while buying.
             2.  How can these problems is avoided by the company?


          11.7 Summary

              Wholesale purchasing generally entails the purchase of large amounts of products to be
               resold to one or more retailers.
              Traditionally, wholesale buyers purchased an inventory of  a good or commodity  for
               resale and acted as middlemen between the manufacturer and the retailer.

              Wholesale buyers can also purchase and resell items directly on online auction sites.
              Retailers can often find products to sell in their stores by searching online, joining buying
               groups, using library resources and attending trade shows or buyers’ markets.

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