P. 105

            e\L-lovely-eng\comm9-1.pmd  IInd 16-9-11  IIIrd  27-12-11 IVth 4-1-12

            Information and Communication Technology Applications

                                  6.   Which are the borders used by Word 2007?
                   Notes          7.   How would you close the file?

                                  8.   What is Save As option?
                                  9.   How would you print a document?
                                  10.  What sort of editing tools are used by Word 2007?
                                  11.  What is AutoCorrect?
                                  12.  What is AutoFormat?
                                  13.  Describe the process of finding a word and replacing it another.
                                  14.  How would you put page number on the pages of the document?
                                  15.  How are Header and Footer put on the pages of the document?
                                  16.  What Footnotes and Endnotes?
                                  17.  What is meant by Splitting pane?
                                  18.  Describe the process of MailMerge.

                                 Answers: Self Assessment

                                  1.   (b)                     2. (a)                        3. (a)
                                  4.   (b)                     5. (c)
                                  6.   True                    7. True                       8. False
                                  9.   True                   10. True.

                                 9.16 Further Readings

                                               1. Devarajan, (G). Information technology in libraries. Delhi: Ess Ess, 1990.
                                               2. Ravichandra Rao, (IK): Library automation. New Delhi: Wiley Eastern.
                                               3. Rowley, (J.) The electronic library. 4  ed. London: LA, 1998.
                                               4. Satyanarayana, (NR): A manual of computerisation in libraries.


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