P. 88

            e\L-lovely-eng\comm9-1.pmd  IInd 16-9-11  IIIrd  27-12-11 IVth 4-1-12

                                                                                     Unit 9: Word Processing Software

            9.1 Working with Document in Word 2007
            9.1.1  Creating a Document

            Supposing we have to create a document in the form of a letter written to the General Manager of
            Telephones complaining him of the inflated bills. The text of the letter is shown next. Now that you
            have opened a new document, do not worry about any typing mistakes or any formatting, just type
            the text as it is.
              11th January, 2007
              The General Manager
              Mahanagar Telephones Nigam Limited
              Khurshid Lal Bhawan
              New Delhi - 110 001
                                        Ref: Telephone No. 4611098
              I am in receipt of bill for the above telephone number dated 11.12.2006 for an amount of Rs.
              4,678.90. This bill is to be paid by 21.1.2000. While going through the bill, I notice that I have
              been charged at two accounts for the calls which have not been made by me. These enteries
                 Called Id                             Duration   Amount
                 0017249873769                             120     1,008.00
                 0013245934234                              60      675.90
              As you can notice that both these entries pertain to International calls and since my phone
              does not have this facility, these calls could not have been made from my phone.
              I hope that you would look into and send me the revised bill, so that I can make the payment
              in time.
              Hoping for an early action,
              Thanking you,
              Yours faithfully,
              Shah Rukh Khan
              3695 Ballimaran, Delhi - 110 006
              * This letter has few errors, which will be corrected in Word 2007

                                                Figure 9.1

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