P. 10

Unit 1: Information Analysis, Repackaging and Consolidation

            We assess the chosen process using an input-output analysis to determine its consistency and  Notes
            effectiveness. Subsequently, we link and identify each step in the process to determine what
            information is needed at which step. This simple assessment allows us to determine what information
            is needed to successfully execute a particular process. We then map these results on an Information
            Management Matrix. The Matrix clearly explains what information is needed, who has the
            information and who needs the information. At this stage it is also important to identify and agree
            roles, responsibilities and authority (management).
            At the end of the Information Analysis we can easily identify bottlenecks (areas with limited capacity).
            These bottlenecks could include problems staffs have in carrying out their jobs (i.e. poor access to
            information). It is these bottlenecks that can prevent processes being completed accurately and
            professionally. Priority is given to bottlenecks with the highest impact factor which prevent the
            organisation achieving its aims and objectives.

            1.4 Information Processing Analysis

            “Conducting an information processing analysis is the first step in ‘decomposing’ or breaking down
            a goal into its constituent parts, identifying what the students need to learn to attain the goal.”When
            conducting this type of analysis, the question to keep in mind is “what are the mental and/or physical
            steps that someone must go through in order to complete this learning task? “One way to do this is to
            think through the steps one could go through to complete the task. It is helpful to use a defined
            procedure such as the steps listed below.
            The following are ten steps to follow in conducting an information processing analysis:
                  1. Collect as much information as possible about the task and the content implied by the
                    goal. Use this to become familiar with the terminology involved. Then create a set of
                    questions that could be asked of a subject matter expert.
                  2. Rewrite the goal in the form of a representative test question.
                  3. Ask several individuals who know how to complete the task and do one of the following:
                     (a) observe them completing the task and ask them to talk aloud about their thought
                        processes as they complete the task
                     (b) observe them completing the task and write down, videotape, or otherwise record
                        the steps
                     (c) have the individuals record the steps in writing as they complete them; or
                    (d) ask them to simply write down the steps they would use to complete the task. Tech-
                        niques (a) and (b) give the most information because experts often forget some of the
                        steps they go through when completing a task.
                  4. Review the steps recorded in step 3 and ask questions about the process of completing
                    the task. This will help you to find out the unobservable cognitive knowledge that
                    underlies the expert’s behaviour.
                  5. If more than one expert was used, review the findings and find the common steps and
                    decision points collected from steps 3 and 4.
                  6. Identify the shortest, simplest way to complete the path, noting factors that require this
                    simpler path.
                  7. Make notes of factors that may require more steps or more complex steps.
                  8. Choose the steps and circumstances that best match the intentions of the goal.
                  9. Make a list of the steps and decision points appropriate for the goal.

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