P. 13

Information Analysis and Repackaging

                   Notes         Information Repackaging involves selecting, analyzing and processing information with a view of
                                 communicating a message in a convenient and effective form to a target audience defined for the
                                 It is very essential to have a thorough knowledge of the target audience and the message.

                                    •  Information Repackaging in simple words, is to package information again or transfer from
                                      one form to another in a more attractive package.
                                    •  Repackaging services are the result of attempts to cope with the information explosion and
                                      the competition for fast, reliable, convenient and efficient information support for corporate

                                 Information repackaging and library services: a challenge to information professionals

                                 Library services, including the packaging and repackaging of information, have been provided in
                                 many countries for many decades. Technological advancement has posed challenges which call for
                                 changes in library services. Information is a driving force in contemporary society. Libraries exist to
                                 serve as many people as possible, disseminating information, preserving culture, and contributing to
                                 intellectual and social life.
                                 Library services tend to focus on means rather than ends (Buckland). This may cause confusion and
                                 reduce satisfaction for users. With several alternative sources of information, many library users
                                 have turned their backs on the library. For information professionals, the focus must shift from the
                                 information provider to the information consumer (clientele). Consumers’ needs must guide
                                 organizational strategy (Kunneke,). Libraries in higher education in most parts of the world including
                                 India must complete migration from traditional library services to electronic formats and remote
                                 access. Electronic library materials differ significantly from traditional media. In particular, unlike
                                 paper and microform, it is possible to make electronic media available so that they can be used from
                                 a distance,
                                    •  Can be used by more than one person at a time, and
                                    •  Can be used in more different ways.
                                 Repackaging is not a new idea, but changes in information technology have enhanced the process,
                                 creating the potential for better serve.

                                 Self Assessment

                                 Multiple Choice Questions:
                                  6.   ...... is the vital input into any active management strategy.
                                        (a)  Theory                   (b) Message             (c) Information
                                  7.   Information repackaging is a part of ...... .
                                        (a)  Process of information consolidation
                                        (b)  Process of messaging
                                        (c)  Process of reanalysing.
                                  8.   ...... is the most familiar form of repackaging

                                        (a)  Use of songs             (b) Popular theatre     (c) Story telling

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