P. 379

Rosy Hastir, Lovely Professional University
            √Ó≈‹Ù≈√Â Á∂ Óπæ÷ Âæ                                                Kirandeep Singh, Lovely Professional University

                                         «¬’≈¬∆ñAA: √Ó≈«‹’ ÍæË ¡Â∂ ◊Â∆Ù∆ÒÂ≈
                                            (Social Stratification and Mobility)

                                    «ÚÙ∂ Ú√» (Contents)
                                    ¿πÁ∂Ù (Objectives)
                                    ‹≈‰’≈∆ (Introduction)
                                    AA.A   √Ó≈«‹’ ÍæË Á≈ ¡Ê ¡Â∂ Í«Ì≈Ù≈ (Meaning and Definition of Social Stratification)
                                    AA.B   √Ó≈«‹’ ÍæË ¡Â∂ «ÚÌ∂Á∆’È (Social Stratification and Differentiation)
                                    AA.C   ÍæË  ¡Â∂  «ÚÌ∂Á∆’È  «Úæ⁄  ¡øÂ  (Distinction  between  Stratification  and
                                    AA.D   √Ó≈«‹’ ÍæË Á∆ ˜» (Necessity of Social Stratification)
                                    AA.E   √Ó≈«‹’ ÍæË Á∆ «ÚÙ∂ÙÂ≈ (Characteristics of Social Stratification)

                                    AA.F   √Ó≈«‹’ ÍæË Á∂ ¡Ë≈ (Bases of Social Stratification)
                                    AA.G   √Ó≈«‹’ ÍæË Á∂ √Ú»Í (’øÓ) (Forms of Social Stratification)
                                    AA.H   √Ó≈«‹’ ÍæË Á∂ «√˪ (Theories of Social Stratification)
                                    AA.I   √Ó≈«‹’ ÍæË Á≈ Ó‘æÂÚ (’øÓ) [Importance (Functions) of Social Stratification]
                                    AA.A@  √Ó≈«‹’ ÍæË Á∂ ’ßÓ (Dysfunctions of Social Stratification)
                                    AA.AA  √Ó≈«‹’ ◊Â∆Ù∆ÒÂ≈  (Social Mobility)
                                    AA.AB  Ï≈Ï ÍæË ‹ª Ï≈Ï √Ó≈«‹’ ◊Â∆Ù∆ÒÂ≈ (Horizontal Social Mobility)
                                    AA.AC  ¿πµÈ ‹ª Ï≈Ï √Ó≈«‹’ ◊Â∆Ù∆ÒÂ≈ (Vertical Social Mobility)

                                    AA.AD  ¿πµ⁄∆ √Ó≈«‹’ ◊Â∆Ù∆ÒÂ≈ Á∂ √Ø (The Channels of Vertical Social Mobility)
                                    AA.AE  ¡øÂ: ¡Â∂ ¡øÂ Í∆Û∑∆ ◊Â∆Ù∆ÒÂ≈ (Intra and Intergenerational Mobility)
                                    AA.AF  Óπ’ (÷πæÒ∑∆) ¡Â∂ ÏøÁ ◊Â∆Ù∆ÒÂ≈ (Open and Closed Mobility)
                                    AA.AG  ◊Â∆Ù∆ÒÂ≈ ˘ «ÈÙ«⁄ ’È Ú≈Ò∂ ¡≈Ë≈ (’≈’) [Bases (Factors) Affecting Mobility]
                                    AA.AH  √Ó≈«‹’ ◊Â∆Ù∆ÒÂ≈ Á∂ ÍÃÌ≈Ú (Impact of Social Mobility)
                                    AA.AI  √Ó≈«‹’ ◊Â∆Ù∆ÒÂ≈ ¡Â∂ √Ó≈«‹’ Í«ÚÂÈ (Social Mobility and Social Change)

                                    AA.B@  Ì≈ «Úæ⁄ √Ó≈«‹’ ◊Â∆Ù∆ÒÂ≈ Á∂ ÍÃÂ∆Ó≈È  (Patterns of Social Mobility in India)
                                    AA.BA  √Ó≈«‹’ ◊Â∆Ù∆ÒÂ≈ Á∂ ÈÂ∆‹∂ (Consequences of Social Mobility)
                                    AA.BB  √≈ ¡øÙ (Summary)
                                    AA.BC  ÙÏÁ’ØÙ (Keywords)
                                    AA.BD  ¡«Ì¡≈√ ÍÃÙÈ (Review Questions)
                                    AA.BE  √øÁÌ Íπ√Â’ª (Further Readings)

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