P. 242

Dilfraz Singh, Lovely Professional University                                   «¬’≈¬∆ñA@: √Ó-¿πÂÍ≈Á Ú¥

                                    «¬’≈¬∆-A@: √Ó-¿πÂÍ≈Á Ú¥                                          È؇

                                          (Isoquant Curve)

                    «ÚÙ∂ Ú√» (Contents)

                    ¿πÁ∂Ù (Objectives)
                    ÍÃ√Â≈ÚÈ≈ (Introduction)

                    A@.A   √Ó-¿πÂÍ≈Á Ú¥ ’∆ ˛? (What is an Isoquant Curve?)
                    A@.B   Ó≈ÈÂ≈Úª (Assumptions)

                    A@.C   «Ú¡≈«÷¡≈ (Explanation)
                    A@.D   √Ó-¿πÂÍ≈Á Ú¥ Á≈ „Ò≈‰ ¡Â∂ Â’È∆’∆ ÍzÂ∆√Ê≈ÍÈ≈ Á∆ √∆Ӫ Á
                          (Slope of Isoquant Curve and Marginal Rate of Technical Substitution)
                    A@.E   √Ó-¿πÂÍ≈Á Ó≈È «⁄æÂ (Isoquant Map)

                    A@.F   √Ó-¿πÂÍ≈Á  Ú¥ª  Á∆¡ª  «ÚÙ∂ÙÂ≈Úª  (Characteristics  or  Properties  of  Isoquant
                    A@.G   √Ó-Ò≈◊ ∂÷≈ (Iso-cost Line)

                    A@.H   √Ó-¿πÂÍ≈Á Ú¥ª ¡Â∂ ‡√ÊÂ≈ Ú¥ª Á∂ «Úæ⁄ ¡ßÂ
                          (Difference between Isoquant Curves and Indifference Curves )

                    A@.I   ¿πÂÍ≈Á’ √ßÂπÒÈ ‹ª √≈ËȪ Á≈ «È¿±ÈÂÓ Ò≈◊ √ß‹Ø◊
                          (Producer’s Equilibrium or Least Cost Combination of Factors)

                    A@.A@  √≈ËȪ Á∂ «¬Ù‡ÂÓ √ß‹Ø◊ ‹ª «È¿±ÈÂÓ Ò≈◊ √ß‹Ø◊ Á∆¡ª Ùª
                          (Conditions of Optimum Combination of Factors or Least Cost Combination)
                    A@.AA  ÍzÂ∆ √Ê≈ÍÈ Á≈ «√˪ (Principle of Substitution)

                    A@.AB  «Ú√Ê≈ ÍæÊ (Expansion Path)
                    A@.AC  √Ó-¿πÂÍ≈Á Ú¥ª ¡Â∂ ÍÀÓ≈È∂ Á∂ ÍzÂ∆ÎÒ (Isoquants and Returns to Scale)

                    A@.AD  √Ó-¿πÂÍ≈Á  Ú¥ ¡Â∂  «¬’  √≈ËÈ  Á∂ ÍzÂ∆ÎÒ  (Isoquant  Curve  and Returns  to  a

                    A@.AE  √≈≈ßÙ (Summary)

                    A@.AF  ÙÏÁ’ØÙ (Keywords)
                    A@.AG  ¡«Ì¡≈√ ÍzÙÈ (Review Questions)
                    A@.AH  √Ïß«Ë Íπ√Â’ª (Further Readings)

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