P. 152

Statistical Methods in Economics

                   Notes              warrants the adoption of the coefficient of correlation by economists as one of their standard
                                  9.4 Key-Words

                                  1. Correlation : The correlation coefficient a concept from statistics is a measure of how well trends
                                                in the predicted values follow trends in past actual values.  It is a measure of how
                                                well the predicted values from a forecast model "fit" with the real-life data.
                                  2. Galton    : An explorer and anthropologist, Francis Galton is known for his pioneering studies
                                                of human intelligence. He devoted the latter part of his life to eugenics, i.e.
                                                improving the physical and mental makeup of the human species by selected
                                  9.5 Review Questions

                                  1. Define correlation. What is its utility ?
                                  2. Explain the meaning of the term ‘correlation’. Does it always signify cause and effect relationship?
                                  3. Discuss the various types of correlation.
                                  4. Describe the application of correlation for economists.
                                  5. Explain, how correlation is a powerful statistical tool. Can it be used to establish cause and effect
                                    relationship ?
                                  Answers: Self-Assessment

                                         1  (  3                       1 − r 2
                                  1.  (i)     − m ) m               (ii)                         (iii) r 2
                                         12                              N
                                     (iv) r + P.E, to r – P.E       (v) multiple
                                  9.6 Further Readings

                                              1.  Elementary Statistical Methods; SP. Gupta, Sultan Chand & Sons,
                                                  New Delhi - 110002.
                                              2.  Statistical Methods — An Introductory Text; Jyoti Prasad Medhi, New Age
                                                  International Publishers, New Delhi - 110002.
                                              3.  Statistics; E. Narayanan Nadar, PHI Learning Private Limied, New Delhi - 110012.
                                              4.  Quantitative Methods—Theory and Applications; J.K. Sharma, Macmillan
                                                  Publishers India Ltd., New Delhi - 110002.

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