P. 19
Unit–2: Approaches to Educational Technologies
Physical sciences and engineering technology is the origin of this approach. Most people believe that Notes
the machine is technically linked to the educational technology. Education would be incomplete as long
as the device like t.v., tape recorder and projector are not available in the field of teaching. Hardware
approaches strengthens the concept of utilizing these equipment. Davis accepts that the hardware
approach is based on the application of physical science to the education and training system which
mechanizes the process of teaching gradually so that teachers would be able to deal with more students,
resulting in less cost and economy in fi nances. Marilyn Nickson (1971), educational technology deals
with the application of many fields of science to the educational needs of the individual as well as of
society. According to David (1971), this technology is necessary for teaching and training. Silverman
calls it as technology in education.
This approach resulted in the origin of Correspondence Education and Open University System.
This approach plays an important role in the use of computers and machines for the compilation of
research forms, analysis etc. Silverman (1968), called this type of educational technology “Relational
Technology”. In the words of Dr. Ruhela—“This part of Education Technology refers to tools and
hardware such as teaching machines, T.V., tape recorder etc. which are used in instructions. In fact
the selection and utilization of machines and hardware approaches in the field of learning is called
Hardware Approach or Educational Technology—I.
Hardware approach was firstly described by A.A. Lumsdeine. This approach is also called as audio-
visual aids. In this emphasis is given to machine technology. It believes that machine does the
instructional work and it is related to the cognitive side of instruction. This approach emphasize on the
following three facts—
(i) Preservation
(ii) Transmission
(iii) Advancement
Hardware includes chalkboard, radio, overhead projector, slide projector, VCR, TV and
monitor, computer, calculator, computer printing machine, audio-visual recorder etc.
In the words of Dr. Kumar and Chandra—
“It is important to note that these mechanical devices were not safety designed and invented to fulfi l the
instructional requirement. Rather, they were designed for communication, information and recreation
etc. But now, we are using them in education and training system to achieve the educational objectives
of our nation.”
2. Software Approach or Educational Technology-II—In the field of software approach educational
technology, psychological principles are used in place of machines which can bring the required
changes in students. Technologies of this approach are also named as Instructional Technology,
Teaching Technology and Behavioural Technology. In this approach, machines are used only to
make presentation of courses more effective. In this technology the emphasis is given to all the three
phases—input, output and process. Skinner and others considered that this technical approach is based
on behavioural technology. According to Arthur Melton (1959), this teaching technology is based on
psychological learning and this experience starts the process of providing the desired behaviour change.
According to Davis (1971)—
“This view of Educational Technology is closely associates with the modern principles of programmed
learning and is characterised by task analysis, writing, precise objectives, selection of correct responses
and constant evaluation.”
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Educational Technology 13 29/07/13 10:22 PM
Educational Technology 13