P. 23

Unit–2: Approaches to Educational Technologies

                   Output refers to behaviour for which the entire system was created.                      Notes
                   Environment context refers to such elements of environment which affect the system.
                   System analysis is done in order to solve the educational problems in educational technology III, which
                   is used to improve the whole educational process.
                   This approach is pupil oriented. According to a scholar, ‘’ In short, this approach is the method of
                   reaching decisions to solve problems and provides full support in order to develop and increase the
                   legal education and training according to new innovations.’’
                   This approach is being successfully utilized in solving the educational administration and management
                   This system analysis approach provides a scientific and numerical approach to solve educational

                   problems. This approach is considered as more objective, scientific, organized and pure approach.

                   This approach is termed as Educational technology III or system analysis, some educationalist calls it
                   as educational management. But educational technologists mostly consider it as system analysis.

                   Today, this approach is popular in the  field of educational administration. By using this approach,
                   education, education system, educational administration and management are considered to be very
                   effective, moderate, less expensive and essential.

                   2.6  Principles of Selection of Hardware and Software

                   The principles of selection of hardware and software are explained below—
                     1.  When selecting hardware, quality, popularity, reputation and durability and its value should be
                     2.  When selecting software, its content relevance, effectiveness and usefulness and requirement should
                       be noted.
                     3.  While selecting hardware or software, it should be remembered whether teacher is able to use that
                       approach carefully in an effective way or not.
                     4.  Hardware or software selection should be based on conditions of learning, students’ needs, nature
                       of content, school environment and their availability.
                     5.  The same approach should be selected that is more usable, can increase interest, can inspire the
                       students and is in accordance to needs.

                             Write Principles of Selection of Hardware and Software.

                   2.7  Principles of Using Hardware and Software Approaches

                   The principles of using of hardware and software are explained below—
                     1.  One must have knowledge of these approaches before using them; he should understand the
                       principles of these approaches and should learn how to use them. Before presented any approach, it
                       should be checked whether it working properly or not. It should be repaired if not working properly.
                     2.  Before using these approaches, teachers should prepare the mentally by explaining complete
                       information about them. For example, before submitting lessons on the radio as T.V. students should
                       know when the program will be broadcast, what are the contents of programs, which points of the

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