P. 25

Unit–2: Approaches to Educational Technologies

                   2.9 Keywords                                                                             Notes

                    •  Technology—Technical
                    •  Instructions—Directions

                   2.10 Review Questions

                     1.  Explain the hardware approach.
                     2.  Describe the Educational Technology II.
                     3.  Elaborate the origin and development of software.
                     4.  Describe the principles of using hardware and software approaches.
                    5.  Describe System Analysis.

                   Answers: Self-Assessment
                   1.   (i) Hard     (ii) A.A. Lumsdeine  (iii) Complementary  (iv) Hardware  (v) Three
                   2. (i) True   (ii) True          (iii) True          (iv) False     (v) True

                   2.11 Further Readings

                              1.  Educational Technology—S.K. Mangal, P.H.I. Learning.
                              2.   Basic Premise of Educational Technology—Yogesh Kumar Singh.

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