P. 30

Educational Technology

                          Notes        1.  Communication Context—
                                          (a)  Physical context (such as school, classroom etc)
                                          (b)  Social context (such as classroom or college environment)
                                          (c)  Psychology context (such as formality)
                                          (d)  Timing Context (such date and time)
                                       2.  Source—A source is a person, teacher or action that provides verbal or non-verbal clues. When
                                          source is a person, it is termed as sender. Communication process starts from source which decides
                                          the contents of the message, encodes and transmits them. Sender prepares the message carefully in
                                          order to make it effective and transmits it through appropriate channel.
                                       3.  Message—Message is a stimulus which is forwarded by the sender. Message can have many forms
                                          such as verbal, written, lip sing or body language of person. Message can be forwarded in the form
                                          of posters, charts, pamphlets or information package.
                                       4.  Channel—Channel refers to a medium through which message transmits from sender to receiver.
                                          Channels are the senses of perception can be visual, auditory, touch, taste or smell. Communication
                                          channel is that path in which message transmits in physical form. For example, cables, radio, studio,
                                          newspaper, magazines, books, letters.
                                       5.  Symbol—A symbol is something that stands for something else. These symbols can be verbal or
                                          non-verbal. Word is also a symbol.
                                       6.  Encoding—Encoding is a process of using symbols to express ideas or feelings, ciphering a message.
                                       7.  Decoding—Decoding is a process by which the receiver deciphers the symbols, transmitted by the
                                       8.  Feedback—It is a acknowledgement, which the receiver sends to sender after getting message. For
                                          example—notification of message received, presenting views after reading message etc.

                                       9.  Receiver—receiver is a person who gets the message in the communication process. For example—
                                          audience, student, readers etc.

                                      3.5  Types of Communication

                                      The continuity of communication is required to make impressive-teaching-learning process dynamic,
                                      active and vibrant. Communication can be categorized in many ways such as verbal and non-verbal
                                      communication, educational and public communication etc.


                                                (Verbal communication)                  (Non-verbal communication)

                                                    (Oral communication)

                                                                                        Eye–contact and facial Posture
                                                   (Written communication)
                                                                                               Touch Contact
                                                                   Fig.–Types of Communication

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