P. 27

Unit–3: Communication Technology

                   to your principal or student or students tell you something, you respond or the principal call you and   Notes
                   order you, he praises and criticizes you. It means communication process is in progress. Whispering
                   of students is also a communication process. A good lectures uses his body language, gesture, poses to
                   impress his audience.

                             Communication is a process in which a person exchanges his knowledge, gestures, poses,
                            body language, ideas etc. and uses the ideas and messages and truly understands and
                            conveys the same.

                   Communication is a process of conveying ideas, exchanging, conveying your points to others and
                   listening to others, facts, attitudes, emotions and exchanging information and knowledge.
                   According to  Anderson, “Communication is a dynamic process in which a person infl uences  the
                   equipment and resources in terms of consciousness, unconsciousness and signs of cognitive structure
                   of others such as gestures etc.”

                   Ligens defines communication, “Communication is that process in which two or more person mutually
                   exchange ideas, facts, feelings etc. in such a way that everyone understands it. Sender and receiver
                   coordinate by means of messages.”
                   According to Lugis and Vegal—“Communication is that process which changes the ideas, opinions and
                   attitudes of people by using information, instructions and decision under the social system.”
                   According to Edgar Dale—“Communication is the sharing of ideas and feelings in a mood of mutuality.”
                   Three simple but important definition of communication are being given below—

                     1.  Communication is the process by which an idea is transferred from a source to a receiver with the
                       intention of changing his behaviour.
                     2.  It is a mutual exchange of facts, thought or perceptions leading to a common understanding of all
                       parties. It does not necessarily imply agreement.
                     3.  Communication is the transfer of information from the sender to the receiver with the information
                       being understood by the receiver.

                   3.1  Nature and Characteristics of Communication

                   On the basis of above defi nition, nature and characteristics of communication can be discussed in the
                   following manner—
                     1.  Communication is a process of establishing a mutual relationship.
                     2.  Special attention is given to discussion and exchanging ideas.
                     3.  It is a two way process i.e. it has two phases. First is sender and the other is receiver of messages.
                     4.  Communication process is an objective process.
                     5.  Communication includes psycho-social phases such as thoughts, sensations, feelings and emotions.
                     6.  Effective communication is fundamental element of good learning.
                     7.  Communication process includes perception. If the person receiving the message, cannot reference
                       the context of the message correctly, then correct communication is not possible.

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