P. 20

Educational Technology

                          Notes       Silverman (1968) termed it as “Constructive Education Technology”. Both the education technology I &
                                      II are interlinked and they can’t be separated from each other. Hardware approach deals with machines
                                      while software approach deals with principles of learning and teaching. In fact,
                                      “It is the application of behavioural sciences or principles of psychology, sociology, and philosophy in
                                      Education and Training Interaction of behavioural sciences with education has generated a new concept
                                      and a new technique of programmed learning.”
                                      Many educationalists believe that software approach is more important as compared to hardware
                                      approach because hardware technology is of no use unless software approach is used in it. For example,
                                      following are some hardware approach and software related to them.

                                                Sr. No.  Rigid Crafts (Hardware Approach)  Related Soft Crafts (Software)
                                                  1           Chalk board                  Use of chalk
                                                  2           Overhead projector           Transparencies
                                                  3           Slide projector              Slides
                                                  4           VCR and monitor              Video program
                                                  5           Computer                     Computer program
                                                  6           Audio recorder               Recorded matter
                                                  7           Blank page                   Writing
                                                                                         (Table Based on Kumar 1996)
                                      Arthur Melton has clearly written that the origin of software approach is the result of the efforts
                                      of  Skinner and others. This approach is directly related to scientific learning which includes the

                                      behavioural changes based on experience.
                                      (3) See paragraph 2.5 for system analysis or educational technology III.

                                      2.1  Comparison between Software and Hardware Approach

                                      In the words of  Anand (1996), “Software approach is different from hardware approach in such a
                                      way that the hardware approach of educational technology uses teaching equipment while software
                                      approach use learning materials such as programmed instruction materials and techniques and methods
                                      of teaching strategies based on psychology of teaching strategies.
                                      In hardware approach, machines are used for making the course material more effective while in
                                      software approach the emphasis is given to teaching strategies based on principles of teaching and
                                      learning rather than machines.

                                                     These approaches cannot be separated from each other. They are interlinked. They
                                                    motivate educational technology and are complementary to each other.

                                      2.2  Uses, Need and Importance of Hardware and Software Approaches

                                        1.  These approaches are used to increase student’s interest, inspire them and to make them curious.
                                        2.  By using these approaches, student’s feels learning material more structured and clear.
                                        3.  These approaches play an important role in making the learning material more adaptive and simple.

                   14                               LOVELY PROFESSIONAL UNIVERSITY

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