P. 246

Educational Technology

                          Notes         4.  It is a more fl exible method.
                                        5.  By this system, students get the opportunity to learn according to their ability and pace for desired
                                        6.  This method is not imposed on students; they learn by their own effort whatever is taught.
                                        7.  This method provides education to a specific group of students and staff for achieving specifi c

                                        8.  The various modes of educational technology such as printed and unprinted, are used in this method.
                                        9.  Students are more responsible for studying instructional materials.
                                        10.  In this method, students are free to start and end the learning process.
                                       11.  Distance education techniques are used for teaching a variety of vocational and academic courses
                                          to people of all ages.
                                        12.  Distance education is based on self-instructed system.
                                        13.  This education attempts to reach distant places of the country.

                                      Based on these characteristics, Kulshrestha and Rawat explain the means of distance education and
                                      writes, “Distance education is a structured and systematic system, in which teachers and students, no
                                      matter how much physical distance is there, by using academic, technical and printed/unprinted media,

                                      contributes to provide education in accordance with the specific objective by interesting, understandable

                                      and pre-determined scientific methods. Distance education gives the teaching of vocational or academic
                                      subjects based on the principles of self-instruction by inspiring students according to their ability, speed
                                      and ability to comply with standards and requirements.
                                                                                                (Kulshreshtha and Rawat, 1998)

                                      30.3  Aims/Objectives of Distance Education

                                      The major aims and objectives of distance education are given below—
                                        1.  The major goal of distance education is to deliver education to readers located in different corners
                                          of the country from gate-to-gate.

                                        2.  Preparation of learning contents and specification of the methods to make successful attempts to
                                          reach students according to their level, requirements, qualification, abilities and age.

                                        3.  Making successful attempts to reach students by the use of the various branches of knowledge and
                                          learning in this system.
                                        4.  Re-providing educational opportunities for those who for some reason have lost the opportunity to
                                          be educated in their lives.
                                        5.  Individuals engaged in various activities and various professional, others and their wives can achieve
                                          lifelong education, so that they can improve their educational level and quality of life.
                                        6.  To reduce the pressure of work on educational schools, colleges and universities by using the tools
                                          of traditional distance education.
                                        7.  To promote the principle described in the constitution “Right to Information”.

                                      30.4  Need and Importance of Distance Education

                                      Today, distance education is going up ahead on the path of development as an important means of
                                      education. Following are needs and importance of distance education—

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