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Educational Technology
Notes Distance education has made an important position in the field of higher education in India. Therefore,
after being failed in informal system student are using distance education as a means of education. In
a survey, it was found that students feel it better to get educated by means of distance education rather
than private examinations.
In 1986–87, out of total admissions for higher studies in distance education, Tamil Nadu has part of 42%,
Himachal Pradesh has 26%, Andhra Pradesh 19% and Delhi 18%. But the contribution of Utter Pradesh,
Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, West Bengal, Orissa and Bihar was negligible.
In 1986–87, the admissions in distance education were comparatively higher. At this year, 3.58 lakh
students were admitted in distance education.
In 1995–96 and 2000–01, Dr. Rudrdutt in his article, has provided statistics on the admission in the
higher education in distance education. They are given below—
Comparative admissions in distance education in the year 1995–96 and 2000–01
Percentage of total admission in
View Articles Year Admission in distance education
higher education
1. 1995–96 1369321 19.5%
2000–01 2942347 32.2%
2. 1995–96 1364517 21.1%
2000–01 2809576 31.2%
3. 1995–96 1105975 17.1%
2000–01 2079502 24.0%
It is clear from above table that in the above three view articles there is much difference between the
progress rates of distance education but it is negligible as compared to other countries. In India, there
is lot to do in the field of distance education. It is possible only when the distance education technology
will be affordable.
30.8 Student Support Services in Distance Education
Distance education is a student-centred education in which there must be interaction between students
and teacher. Students must be directed so as to obviate their difficulties and remedial education should
be arranged for them. They also require support at study centres.
In distance education, student support services are categorized in the following manner—
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